Stanislav Liudkevich
Liudkevich, Stanislav Filippovich
(also Stanislav Pilipovich Liudkevich). Born Dec. 12 (24), 1879, in Jaroslaw, Poland. Soviet composer, theorist, teacher, and music figure. People’s Artist of the USSR (1969) and doctor of music studies (1908, Vienna).
Liudkevich was director of the N. V. Lysenko L’vov Higher Music Institute from 1908 to 1914 and taught music theory there from 1919 to 1939. He was a professor and departmental chairman at the L’vov Conservatory from 1939 to 1972. His works include the opera Dovbush (1955) and several large-scale cantatas, notably the cantata-symphony Caucasus (1905-13) and Testament (1934, revised 1955), based on texts by T. G. Shevchenko. Both works received the T. G. Shevchenko Prize (of the Ukrainian SSR) in 1964. Liudkevich has also composed symphonic poems, a sinfonietta, chamber music and other instrumental pieces, choral works, and songs. He has written musicological and publicistic works, compiled and edited musical editions, and collected folk songs. His participation in the revolutionary-democratic movement of the Western Ukraine shaped the ideological orientation of his work and art. Liudkevich has been awarded two orders.
Zahaikevych, M. S. P. Liudkevich. Kiev, 1957.Shtunder, Z. “Muzycnno-fol’klorystychna diial’nist’ S. Liudkevicha.” In Ukrains’ke muzykoznavstvo, 1967, issue 2.