Bernardo Strozzi
Strozzi, Bernardo
(called II Cappuccino and II Prete Ge-novese). Born 1581 in Genoa; died Aug. 2, 1644, in Venice. Italian painter.
Strozzi studied in Genoa with P. Sorri from 1595 to 1597. Under the influence of Rubens, he adopted a baroque painting style. He also studied the works of Caravaggio. In 1597, Strozzi became a Capuchin monk; in 1631 he fled from the monastery to Venice, where he was influenced by the works of P. Veronese, D. Fed, and }. Liss. Strozzi’s best works, for example, The Cook (Museo Palazzo Rosso, Genoa), are distinguished by a rich and broad technique, a subtle palette, and realistic imagery.
Vipper, B. R. Problema realizma v ital’ianskoi zhivopisi XVIl-XVIIl vekov. Moscow, 1966. Pages 76–81.Mortari, L. Bernardo Strozzi. Rome, 1966.