

单词 pelvic floor

pelvic floor

pelvic floor

n (Anatomy) the muscular area in the lower part of the abdomen, attached to the pelvis


pelvic floor

pelvic floor

A well-defined region bounded anteriorly by the pubis, posteriorly by the sacrum, laterally by the ischial and iliac bones, superiorly by the peritoneum, and inferiorly by the levator ani and coccygeus muscles, the last of which form the pelvic diaphragm.
Pelvic floor tissues
Uterus, adnexae, bladder, rectum, neurovascular tissues.


Change of life, climacteric, 'time of life' Gynecology The cessation of menstrual activity due to failure to form ovarian follicles, which normally occurs age 45–50 Clinical Menstrual irregularity, vasomotor instability, 'hot flashes', irritability or psychosis, ↑ weight, painful breasts, dyspareunia, ↑/↓ libido, atrophy of urogenital epithelium and skin, ASHD, MI, strokes and osteoporosis–which can be lessened by HRT. See Estrogen replacement therapy, Hot flashes, Male menopause, Premature ovarian failure, Premature menopause. Cf Menarche. Menopause–”…what a drag it is getting old.” Jagger, Richards Bladder Cystourethritis, frequency/urgency, stress incontinence Breasts ↓ Size, softer consistency, sagging Cardiovascular Angina, ASHD, CAD Endocrine Hot flashes Mucocutaneous Atrophy, dryness, pruritus, facial hirsutism, dry mouth Neurologic Psychological, sleep disturbances Pelvic floor Uterovaginal prolapse Skeleton Osteoporosis, fractures, low back pain Vagina Bloody discharge, dyspareunia, vaginitis Vocal cords Deepened voice Vulva Atrophy, dystrophy, pruritus

pelvic floor

The connective tissues and muscles (including the coccygeus and the levator ani muscles) that lie beneath and support the perineum and pelvis. Weakening of the tissues of the pelvic floor can occur during childbirth or after radiation, surgery, or trauma to the pelvis, resulting in pelvic floor disorders such as organ prolapse or urinary or fecal incontinence. Synonym: pelvic diaphragm; pelvic supportSee also: floor




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