Utchenko, Sergei Lvovich

Utchenko, Sergei L’vovich


Born Dec. 1 (14), 1908, in St. Petersburg; died May 2, 1976, in Moscow. Soviet classical historian. Doctor of historical sciences (1949), professor (1950). Member of the CPSU from 1931.

In 1950, Utchenko became head of the department of ancient history of the Institute of History (since 1968, of the Institute of World History) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He taught at Leningrad State University, Moscow State University, the Institute of Historical Archives, and the V. I. Lenin Moscow Pedagogical Institute. In 1966, Utchenko became editor in chief of Vestnik drevnei istorii (Journal of Ancient History). His most important works deal with the history of Rome from the third century B.C. to the first century A.D.

Utchenko was awarded the Order of the Red Star and various medals.


Ideino-politicheskaia bor’ba v Rime nakanune padeniia Respubliki. Moscow, 1952.
Krizis ipadenie Rimskoi Respubliki. Moscow, 1965.
Glazami istorika. Moscow, 1966.
Drevnii Rim: Sobytiia, Liudi, Idei. Moscow, 1969.
Tsitseron i ego vremia. Moscow, 1972.
Iulii Tsezar’. Moscow, 1976.


“Pamiati S. L. Utchenko.” Vestnik drevnei istorii, 1976, no. 3.
Shtaerman, E. M., M. A. Korostovtsev, and V. I. Kuzishchin. “S. L. Utchenko—istorik antichnogo mira.” Ibid., 1977, no. 1.