runner's knee

runner's knee

an overuse syndrome of anterior knee pain associated with excessive lateral motion of the patella during activity. Synonym(s): patellofemoral stress syndrome

pa·tel·lo·fem·o·ral syn·drome

(pă-tel'ō-fem'ŏr-ăl sin'drōm) Degenerative condition affecting the articular cartilage of the patella caused by abnormal compression or shearing forces at the knee joint; may cause patellalgia.

runner's knee

A colloquial term for several overuse conditions resulting from excessive exercise of the lower extremities. These may involve the extensor mechanism and other musculotendinous insertions. Patellar tendonitis (jumper's knee), patellofemoral dysfunction, iliotibial band syndrome, and pes anserinus tendonitis or bursitis have all been called by this term. See also: knee