Abrikosov, Aleksei

Abrikosov, Aleksei Alekseevich


Born June 25, 1928. Soviet theoretical physicist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR since 1964.

Abrikosov graduated from Moscow University in 1948. He worked at the Institute of Physical Problems from 1948 to 1965 and at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR from 1965 on. He has been a professor at Moscow University since 1965.

Abrikosov’s work has been in the fields of superconductivity, theory of semimetals, statistical physics, quantum electrodynamics, theory of plasma, and astrophysics. He was awarded the Lenin Prize in 1966 (jointly with L. P. Gor’kov and V. L. Ginzburg) for his work on the theory of superconductive alloys and the properties of superconductors in strong magnetic fields.


Metody kvantovoi teorii polia v statisticheskoi fizike. Moscow, 1962. (Jointly with L. P. Gor’kov and I. E. Dzialoshinskii.)
“O magnitnykh svoistvakh sverkhprovodnikov vtoroi gruppy.” Zhurnal eksperimental’noi i teoreticheskoi fiziki, 1957, vol. 32, issue 6, p. 1442.
“Teoriia elektronnogo energeticheskogo spektra metallov s reshetkoi tipa vismuta.” Ibid., 1962, vol. 43, issue 3, p. 1089. (Jointly with L. A. Fal’kovskii.)
“On the quantum theory fields.” Nuovo cimento, 1956, supplement to vol. 3, series 10, p. 80. (Jointly with L. D. Landau and I. M. Khalatnikov.)