Toulouse Goose

Toulouse Goose


a breed of goose that originated in France, on the outskirts of the city of Toulouse. The plumage is light gray on the sides, dark gray on the back, dark blue on the neck, and gray on the head. The ganders weigh 9–10 kg, and the geese 7–8 kg. The goslings weigh approximately 3.8 kg at three months and 4.4 kg at five months. The flesh is of high quality. The geese lay 25–30 eggs per year; the eggs weigh 150–165 g.

Toulouse geese are found mainly in France. In the USSR they are raised on some farms in Vladimir, Kalinin, and Leningrad oblasts; they have been used in crossbreeding with local geese to develop a breed of large gray goose.