Acronym | Definition |
SWW➣Society of Women Writers (Australia) |
SWW➣South West Water (UK) |
SWW➣Soft White Wheat |
SWW➣School Without Walls |
SWW➣Slippery When Wet (Bon Jovi music album) |
SWW➣Shorter Working Week |
SWW➣Sanitair Warm Water (Netherlands) |
SWW➣Sarah Williams White (recording artist) |
SWW➣Sydney Wildlife World (Australia) |
SWW➣Sitting, Waiting, Wishing |
SWW➣Scheduled Work Week |
SWW➣Succulent Wild Women (book) |
SWW➣Strong Wind Warning |
SWW➣Sorry Wrong Window (chat) |
SWW➣Swedish Weekend Warriors |
SWW➣SAS (Statistical Analysis Software Corp.) Wide Web (Intranet) |
SWW➣Succeeding in the World of Work (education) |