Rudenko, Sergei Ivanovich

Rudenko, Sergei Ivanovich


Born Jan. 16 (28), 1885, in Kharkov; died July 16, 1969, in Leningrad. Soviet archaeologist, anthropologist, and ethnologist; doctor of technical sciences (1945).

Rudenko was a professor at Leningrad University from 1921 to 1954 and a senior research worker at the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR from 1942. His main works dealt with the ethnology, anthropology, and archaeology of the nationalities of the Volga region (mainly the Bashkirs) and of Siberia, and also with the “Eskimo problem.” His studies of artifacts of the ancient culture of the Altai Range, among them the Pazyryk kurgans, were of particular importance. Rudenko also headed archaeological and ethnographic expeditions to Transbaikalia, Kazakhstan, Bashkiria, and the Chukchi Peninsula.


Masson, V. “K 80-letiiu S. I. Rudenko.” Sovetskaia arkheologiia, 1965, no. 4. (Contains a bibliography of Rudenko’s works.)