vestibule of larynx

ves·ti·bule of lar·ynx

[TA] the upper part of the laryngeal cavity from the superior aperture to the vestibular folds or rima vestibuli, bounded anteriorly by the epiglottis, laterally by the mucosa overlying the quadrangular membranes and posteriorly by the mucosa overlying the arytenoid cartilages and arytenoideus muscle. Synonym(s): vestibulum laryngis [TA], atrium glottidis, superior laryngeal cavity

ves·ti·bule of lar·ynx

(vesti-byūl laringks) [TA] Upper part of laryngeal cavity from superior aperture to vestibular folds or rima vestibuli, bounded anteriorly by epiglottis, laterally by mucosa overlying quadrangular membranes and posteriorly by mucosa overlying arytenoid cartilages and arytenoideus muscle.