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DictionarySeepreventiveEncyclopediaSeedentistrypreventive dentistry
dentistry [den´tis-tre] 1. that branch of the healing arts concerned with the teeth and associated structures of the oral cavity, including prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease and restoration of defective or missing teeth.2. the work done by dentists, e.g., the creation of restoration, crowns, and bridges, and surgical procedures performed in and about the oral cavity.3. the practice of the dental profession collectively.operative dentistry dentistry concerned with restoration of parts of the teeth that are defective as a result of disease, trauma, or abnormal development to a state of normal function, health, and esthetics.pediatric dentistry the branch of dentistry that deals with teeth and mouth conditions of children.preventive dentistry dentistry concerned with maintenance of a normal masticating mechanism by fortifying the structures of the oral cavity against damage and disease.prosthetic dentistry prosthodontics.pre·ven·tive den·tis·trya philosophy and method of dental practice that seek to prevent the initiation, progression, and recurrence of dental disease.pre·ven·tive den·tis·try (prĕ-ventiv dentis-trē) A philosophy and method of dental practice that seek to prevent the initiation, progression, and recurrence of dental caries. pre·ven·tive den·tis·try (prĕ-ventiv dentis-trē) Philosophy and method of dental practice that seek to prevent initiation, progression, and recurrence of dental disease. |