Sergei Alekseevich Baruzdin

Baruzdin, Sergei Alekseevich


Born July 22, 1926, in Moscow. Soviet Russian writer, poet, and prosaist. Member of the CPSU since 1949. Participant in the Great Patriotic War. Graduated from the Gorky Institute of Literature (1958).

Baruzdin began to publish in 1946. He is the author of many books for children and young people. The novel Repetition of the Past (1964), the Novellas About Women (1967), and the collection of stories and novellas I Love Our Street. . . (1969) are addressed to adult readers. From 1957 to 1965 he was secretary of the board of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR. Since 1967, he has been secretary of the board of the Union of Writers of the USSR. Baruzdin has been editor in chief of the journal Druzhba narodov since 1966. Baruzdin has been awarded the Badge of Honor and medals.


O raznykh raznostiakh: Stikhi i rasskazy Moscow, 1959.
Tvoi druz’ia—moi tovarishchi: Stikhi, rasskazy, povesti. Moscow, 1966.
Staroe-molodoe: Povesti, rasskazy. Moscow, 1969.


Poltoratskii, V. “Vstupaiushchim v zhizn’.” Pravda, Oct. 11, 1964.
Motiashov, I. “Vospitanie pravdoi.” Detskaia literatura, 1966, no. 7.
Kudrevatykh, L. “Tasia, Elka i drugie.” Pravda, Apr. 29, 1968.