Uvarov, Aleksei

Uvarov, Aleksei Sergeevich


Born Feb. 28, 1825; died Dec. 29, 1884. Russian archaeologist. Count; son of S. S. Uvarov.

Uvarov was one of the founders of the Russian Archaeological Society, the Moscow Archaeological Society, and the Historical Museum in Moscow; he was also one of the organizers of archaeological conferences in Russia. From 1851 to 1854 he was involved in excavating burial mounds in Vladimir and Moscow provinces. In 1853 and 1854 he conducted excavations in Olbia, Kherson, and the Scythian center of Neapolis. Uvarov discovered the Paleolithic Karacharovo site and the Neolithic Volosovo site. Despite rather amateurish excavating methods and research, Uvarov played an important role in the history of Russian archaeology as an organizer of the science. His main work is The Archaeology of Russia: The Stone Age (vols. 1-2,1881).