Antonio Fogazzaro

Fogazzaro, Antonio


Born Mar. 25, 1842, in Vicenza; died there Mar. 7, 1911. Italian writer.

Fogazzaro studied law and practiced as a lawyer. His works, which were intended to appeal to his readers’ religious sensibilities, opposed the trend of verismo. Nevertheless, Fogazzaro was influenced by verismo, as well as by romanticism.

Fogazzaro’s first important work was the romantic narrative poem Miranda (1874). The spiritualist motifs typical of his work were more pronounced in the cycle of poems Valsolda (1876) and in the novels Malombra (1881), Daniele Cortis (1885), and The Poet’s Secret (1888). Fogazzaro’s attempt to synthesize religious, moral, and social concerns is evident in Daniele Cortis, in his trilogy of novels about the Maironi family consisting of The Patriot (1895), The Little Modern World (1900), and The Saint (1905), and in the novel Leila (1910). These works revealed Fogazzaro’s dissatisfaction with the social attitudes of the Italian bourgeoisie and with the viewpoint of the official Catholic Church. Fogazzaro’s novels stressed the need to renew the church and expressed his concept of a Christian socialism. As a result they were condemned by the Catholic Church, and The Saint was included in the Index Librorum Prohibitorum in 1906.


Tutte le opere, vols. 1–15. Edited by P. Nardi. Milan, 1931–45.
In Russian translation:
Otzhivshii mirok, part 1. Translated by T. Gertsenshtein; foreword by V. M. Friche. In Poln. sobr. soch., vol. 1. Moscow, 1911.
Vera: Novelly. Moscow, 1912.
[“Novelty.”] In Ital’ianskie novelly, 1860–1914. Moscow, 1960.


Lunacharskii, A. V. “Poet neokatolitsizma.” Sobr. soch., vol. 5. Moscow, 1965.
Rubtsova, G. V. Sovremennaia ital’ianskaia literatura. Leningrad, 1929.
Storia della letteratura italiana, vol. 8. [Milan, 1968.] Pages 414–26.
Ghidetti, E. Le idee e le virtú di Antonio Fogazzaro. Padua, 1974.