Serdiukov, Anatolii

Serdiukov, Anatolii Ivanovich


(also A. I. Stepuro-Serdiukov). Born Apr. 22 (May 4), 1851, in Stavropol’-na-Kavkaze; died Apr. 5 (17), 1878, in Tver’. Russian revolutionary.

Of dvorianstvo (noble) origin, Serdiukov studied at the Medical and Surgical Academy from 1868 to 1873. He helped organize the Chaikovskii circle, handled the circle’s foreign contacts, and carried on propaganda work among the workers of St. Petersburg. Between 1872 and 1875 he was arrested six times. He was investigated in connection with the Trial of the 193 but was banished to Tver’ without trial because of mental illness.