

单词 los



abbr.1. length of stay2. line of scrimmage3. line of sight


(ləʊs) napproval
EncyclopediaSeeline of sight



Abbreviation for:
late-onset schizophrenia
late-onset sepsis
length of stay, see there 
longitudinal observational study
low output syndrome
lower oesophageal sphincter


Length of stay, see there.


(li'mit) [Fr. limite, fr. L. limes, stem limit-, boundary] 1. A boundary.2. A point or line beyond which something cannot or may not progress.

acceptance limit

In radiology, the range of images within the diagnostic range of quality, i.e., image receptor exposure (or density), contrast, detail.

assimilation limit

The amount of carbohydrate that can be absorbed or ingested without causing glycosuria.

audibility limit

The highest and the lowest frequencies of sound that can be detected by the human ear. The lower limit is approx. 8 to 16 Hz and the upper limit is approx. 12 to 20,000 Hz.

limit of detection

Abbreviation: LOD
The smallest amount of an analyte that can be detected by an analytical system.

elastic limit

The extent to which something may be stretched or bent and still be able to return to its original shape.

exposure limit

The maximum concentration of a substance with which an organism can have contact without suffering adverse effects.

limit of flocculation

The amount of a toxin or toxoid that causes the most rapid flocculation when combined with its antitoxin.

Hayflick limit

See: Hayflick limit

lifetime limit

The maximum amount of money that a health insurer will pay for claims made by or against insured persons from their birth until their death.

limit of perception

The smallest stimulus that can be perceived by any of the senses: e.g., the faintest light or the smallest amount of pressure.

limit of quantitation

Abbreviation: LOQ
The smallest amount of analyte that can be measured with stated and acceptable imprecision and inaccuracy e.g., the smallest number of viral particles detectable in a milliliter of blood. See: limit of detection; sensitivity

quantum limit

The minimum wavelength present in the spectrum produced by x-rays.

limit of stability

Abbreviation: LOS
The largest angle from vertical that can be reached and maintained before balance is lost. In normal adults, the sagittal plane limit is 12°, the coronal plane limit, 16°.

Patient care

Patients with decreased limits of stability have an increased likelihood of falling when they shift their body from side to side and therefore an increased risk of injuring themselves. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, personal assistance, or assistive devices may reduce this risk.

tolerable upper limit

Abbreviation: TUL
The maximum amount of a mineral or vitamin supplement that a person may consume in a day without incurring health risk.

ventilator limit

A secondary ventilator alarm or stop mechanism that prevents a specific variable from exceeding a preset parameter.

limit of stability

Abbreviation: LOS
The largest angle from vertical that can be reached and maintained before balance is lost. In normal adults, the sagittal plane limit is 12°, the coronal plane limit, 16°.

Patient care

Patients with decreased limits of stability have an increased likelihood of falling when they shift their body from side to side and therefore an increased risk of injuring themselves. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, personal assistance, or assistive devices may reduce this risk.

See also: limit


LOSLevel Of Service
LOSLine(s) of Supply
LOSLaw Of the Sea
LOSLine Of Sight (0-30 Miles)
LOSLength of Stay
LOSLoss Of Signal
LOSLucas Oil Stadium (Indianapolis, IN)
LOSLetter of Support (various organizations)
LOSLoan Origination System
LOSLength of Service
LOSLinux Operating System
LOSLeftover Salmon (band)
LOSLine Of Scrimmage (American football)
LOSLand of Smiles (Thailand)
LOSLoss of Selectivity
LOSLoan Origination Software (various organizations)
LOSLocal Oscillator Signal
LOSLegion of Superheroes (comic)
LOSLight of Sight
LOSLine of Sight
LOSLindows Operating System
LOSLiving Oceans Society (Canada)
LOSLeague of the South
LOSLoss Of Synchronization
LOSLarge offspring syndrome (cloning)
LOSLine of Symmetry
LOSLimits of Stability
LOSLimit of Sensitivity
LOSLube Oil System
LOSLibrary Outreach Service
LOSLogical Services
LOSLease Operating Statement (various companies)
LOSLine Out of Service (ITU-T)
LOSLive Oak Society
LOSLegion of Steel (gaming guild)
LOSLoan Operating System
LOSLift-Off Simulator
LOSLetter of Supply
LOSLines of Sponsorship (MLM)
LOSLine Operational Simulation
LOSLine-Oriented Simulation
LOSLandelijk Oefenstof Systeem (Dutch)
LOSLate-Old Structure (forestry)
LOSLocal Operating Station
LOSLauncher Operation Station
LOSLock Off Stop
LOSLead Out Subassembly
LOSLogistic Operation Streamline
LOSNorwegian Centre for Research in Organization and Management
LOSLogistics Outfitting System (US Navy)
LOSLagos, Nigeria - Murtala Muhammad (Airport Code)




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