Acronym | Definition |
RRH➣Red Riding Hood |
RRH➣Radio Remote Head |
RRH➣Red Right Hand |
RRH➣Rihga Royal Hotel (various locations) |
RRH➣Responsable Ressources Humaines (French: Human Resources Manager) |
RRH➣Rural and Remote Health Initiative (Canadian Institutes of Health Research) |
RRH➣Ridgecrest Regional Hospital (Ridgecrest, CA) |
RRH➣Remote Radar Head |
RRH➣Réseau Régional d'Hygiène de Basse-Normandie |
RRH➣Right Running Head (academic publications) |
RRH➣Ritchie Residence Hall (University of Akron) |
RRH➣Rubber Reversion Hydroplaning (skidding on melting rubber due to superheated steam from water trapped between the airplane tires and runway) |