total revenue
Total revenue
Total Revenue

total revenue
the aggregate revenue obtained by a FIRM from the sale of a particular quantity of output, equal to price times quantity. Under conditions of PERFECT COMPETITION, the firm faces a horizontal DEMAND CURVE at the going market price. Each extra unit of output sold (MARGINAL REVENUE) adds exactly the same amount to total revenue as previous units. Hence, total revenue is a straight upward sloping line (see Fig. 187 (a) ). Under conditions of imperfect competition (for example, MONOPOLISTIC COMPETITION), the firm faces a downward-sloping demand curve and price has to be lowered in order to sell more units. As price is lowered, each extra unit of output sold (marginal revenue) adds successively smaller amounts to total revenue than previous units. Thus, total revenue rises but at a decreasing rate, and eventually falls (see Fig. 187 ).Total revenue interacts with TOTAL COST in determining the level of output at which the firm achieves its objective of PROFIT MAXIMIZATION.