

单词 ptc



abbr. phenylthiocarbamide


abbreviation for piece to camera





(biochemistry) Christmas factor


A Pascal to C translator.



(PTC, Needham, MA, www.ptc.com) Long a world leader in mechanical computer-aided design, manufacturing and engineering software, PTC, through acquisitions and reorganization, has transformed itself into a leading provider of Internet-based B2B solutions for discrete manufacturers. The company was founded in 1985 as Parametric Technology Corporation.

Its Pro/Engineer product line, first introduced in 1988, includes a family of software for product design and development across all manufacturing industries, plus dedicated design software for shipbuilding solutions. Additional products include software for collaborative product commerce (CPC) and mechanical design automation (MDA) as well as training, consulting and support services. In 2001, PTC acquired Computervision Corporation, making it a wholly owned subsidiary and turning the company into the world's sixth largest independent software company. In 2007, PTC acquired CoCreate Software (see CoCreate).



 plasma thromboplastin component (factor IX, one of the coagulation factors.


Abbreviation for plasma thromboplastin component; phenylthiocarbamoyl.


abbr. phenylthiocarbamide


A gene on chromosome 10q11.2 that encodes a receptor for tyrosine-protein kinase involved in various cellular processes, including cell proliferation and migration, neuronal navigation and cell differentiation, upon binding with glial-cell-derived neurotrophic factor family ligands. RET regulates cell death/survival, balance and positional information. It orchestrates molecular cascades during intestinal, gut neuroendocrine, gut MALT and renal organogenesis, and it modulates cell adhesion by cleaving caspase in sympathetic neurons and mediates cell migration in an integrin (e.g., ITGB1 and ITGB3)-dependent manner. RET triggers apoptosis by intracellular caspase cleavage; it promotes survival and downregulates growth hormone production, but triggers apoptosis in absence of GDNF.
Molecular pathology
RET mutations are associated with neuroendocrine cancers, which are characterised by defects in integrin-regulated cell migration.


Abbreviation for plasma thromboplastin component.


Abbreviation for plasma thromboplastin component.


PTCPaid to Click
PTCPositive Temperature Coefficient
PTCPapillary Thyroid Carcinoma
PTCPeachtree City
PTCProduction Tax Credit
PTCProtect the Children (various organizations)
PTCPetaluma (Amtrakt station code; Petaluma, CA)
PTCPositive Train Control
PTCParents Television Council
PTCPlayers Tour Championship (snooker)
PTCParametric Technology Corp.
PTCProperty Tax Credit (various locations)
PTCPercutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography (cancer-diagnostic procedure)
PTCParent Teacher Conference
PTCPolskiej Telefonii Cyfrowej (Polish: Polish Digital Telephony)
PTCParadigm Technology Consulting (East Windsor, NJ)
PTCPiedmont Technical College (South Carolina)
PTCPennsylvania Turnpike Commission
PTCPakistan Telecommunication Corporation
PTCParent Teacher Club
PTCPermit to Carry (various locations)
PTCPublic Transportation Commission (various locations)
PTCPre-Trial Conference (various locations)
PTCPrivate Trust Company (various locations)
PTCPolska Telefonia Cyfrowa (Polish telecommunications company)
PTCPre-Trial Chamber (various locations)
PTCPlease Take Care
PTCProduct Technology Center (various locations)
PTCPacific Telecommunications Council
PTCPhiladelphia Theatre Company (Philadelphia, PA)
PTCPortage Trail Conference (Ohio)
PTCPay to Call
PTCPacket Telephony Center
PTCPragmatic Trellis Code
PTCProfessional Training Course (various organizations)
PTCPrograma de Transferencias Condicionadas (Spanish: Conditional Transfers Program)
PTCPseudotumor Cerebri
PTCProfessional Testing Corporation
PTCPiece to Camera (journalism)
PTCPhase Transfer Catalysis
PTCPartenariat Technologique Canada (Technology Partnerships Canada)
PTCPulaski Technical College (Arkansas)
PTCPermit-to-Campaign (Philippines)
PTCPatent, Trademark and Copyright (legal rights; various organizations)
PTCPacific Trading Company (San Diego, CA)
PTCPermit to Construct (building license)
PTCPrinceton Technology Group (Feasterville-Trevose, PA)
PTCPioneer Theatre Company (Utah)
PTCPhoton Transfer Curve (imaging)
PTCPenang Turf Club (est. 1864; Penang, Malaysia)
PTCProduction to Count (crop insurance indemnity)
PTCPhilmont Training Center (Boy Scouts of America)
PTCPhiladelphia Toboggan Company (roller coaster company in Hatfield, Pennsylvania)
PTCPlasma Thromboplastin Component (Blood Coagulation Factor IX)
PTCParent Teacher Community (various locations)
PTCProvincial Training Centre (various locations)
PTCPassenger Terminal Complex (various locations)
PTCPermanent Technical Committee (World Customs Organization)
PTCProperty Tax Commission (North Carolina)
PTCProgrammatic Terms and Conditions (US NSF)
PTCPerformance Training Center (West Linn, OR)
PTCPreaching to the Choir
PTCParent Teacher Collaboration
PTCProfessional Teachers Council (Australia)
PTCPublic Transport Council (Singapore)
PTCPart Time Casual (employment status)
PTCPerth Theatre Company (Australia)
PTCPalestine Trade Center (est. 1998)
PTCPentagon Telecommunications Center
PTCParking and Transportation Committee (various schools)
PTCPsychiatric Treatment Center (various locations)
PTCProtocol Test Card (test board)
PTCPediatric Transplant Center (Boston, MA)
PTCPublic Transport Corporation (Chennai, India)
PTCPolice Training Commission
PTCPlastics Technology Center
PTCPositive Thermal Coefficient
PTCPhone Travel Charger
PTCProton Therapy Center
PTCPsychological Trauma Center (Los Angeles, CA)
PTCPyramid Technology Corporation
PTCProfessional and Technical Communication (course)
PTCPharmacy and Therapeutics Committee (Group Health Cooperative)
PTCPara Tech Coating, Inc. (various locations)
PTCPlaywrights Theatre Centre (Vancouver, British Columbia)
PTCParking and Traffic Committee (various locations)
PTCParallel Test Component (TTCN)
PTCPersonal Torrent Collector
PTCPlatform Technology Committee
PTCPhysical and Theoretical Chemistry
PTCPhysical Therapy Club (various locations)
PTCPost-Tetanic Count
PTCPublic Transit Coalition (various organizations)
PTCPersonnel & Training Command (UK)
PTCPickering Town Centre (shopping mall; Canada)
PTCPaint Technology Center (US Army Corps of Engineers)
PTCPassively Thermally Compensated
PTCPromotion Tenure Committee (various schools)
PTCPlastics Technology Centre (Karachi Pakistan)
PTCProvincetown Theatre Company (Provincetown, MA)
PTCPulse-Tube Cryocooler
PTCPricing, Terms and Conditions
PTCPetroleum Technology Company
PTCProject Time & Cost
PTCPortable Tele-Transaction Computer (in reference to hand held barcode scanners)
PTCPostal Training Centre (India)
PTCChief Photographic Intelligenceman (Naval Rating)
PTCProvidence Tourism Council (Providence, RI)
PTCPoint de Consigne (French: Setpoint)
PTCPrimary Toll Carrier
PTCPhiladelphia Transit Company
PTCPatches Thoughtfully Considered
PTCPlatform Twin-ring Containerized (heavy crane)
PTCPeople's Trading Centre
PTCPorcelain Tile Cutter
PTCPower Temperature Control
PTCPermission to Connect
PTCPhysical Transmission Channel
PTCPower Transfer Conduit (Star Trek)
PTCPayload Training Capability
PTCPretrial Confinement
PTCProcédés Techniques de Construction (French)
PTCPeoria Terminal Company
PTCPrimary Technical Contact
PTCPrice to Consumer
PTCPanarail Tourism Company
PTCProgress Telecommunications Corporation
PTCPostgraduate Training Center
PTCPerkutane Transhepatische Cholangiodrainage (German, gastroenterology)
PTCPhase Tracking Circuit
PTCPractical Training Class
PTCPortsmouth Tea Company (New Hampshire, USA)
PTCPaneuropean Transport Corridor
PTCPrimary Technical Course
PTCPublic Telephone Company
PTCPartido de los Trabajadores Canarios (Canarian Workers Party)
PTCProject Target Cost
PTCPrivate Tuition Center
PTCPersian Trade Company (South Africa)
PTCPolynomial Transform Computation
PTCPhiladelphia Technology Center
PTCPositive Transaction Control
PTCPatrol Vessel, Motor Torpedo Boat, Submarine Chaser (US Navy)
PTCProduct Test Cycle
PTCPermission to Camp (parental consent form for insurance purposes)
PTCPower Terminal Cabinet
PTCPolarization Time Coding (MIMO)




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