

单词 sensitivity



ability to react to stimuli: sensitivity to light
Not to be confused with:sensibility – capacity for feeling; responsiveness: She has a great sensibility for her patients.


S0267200 (sĕn′sĭ-tĭv′ĭ-tē)n. pl. sen·si·tiv·i·ties 1. a. The quality or condition of being sensitive: sensitivity to the concerns of others.b. The capacity to respond to changes in the environment.2. The degree of response of a receiver or instrument to an incoming signal or to a change in the incoming signal, as in FM radio.3. The degree of response to light, especially to light of a specified wavelength, as in photographic film.4. The proportion of individuals in a population with a particular disease or condition that are correctly identified when administered a test for that disease or condition.5. Biology The response or degree of response, as of a cell, tissue, or organism, to a chemical substance or stimulus, such as a toxin, infectious agent, hormone, allergen, or antigen: insulin sensitivity.


(ˌsɛnsɪˈtɪvɪtɪ) n, pl -ties1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the state or quality of being sensitive2. (Stock Exchange) the state or quality of being sensitive3. (Commerce) the state or quality of being sensitive4. (Physiology) physiol the state, condition, or quality of reacting or being sensitive to an external stimulus, drug, allergen, etc5. (usually plural) a tendency to have a strong emotional reaction, esp to be offended or upset6. (Electronics) electronics the magnitude or time of response of an instrument, circuit, etc, to an input signal, such as a current7. (Photography) photog the degree of response of an emulsion to light or other actinic radiation, esp to light of a particular colour, expressed in terms of its speed


(ˌsɛn sɪˈtɪv ɪ ti)

n., pl. -ties. 1. the state or quality of being sensitive. 2. a. the ability of an organism or part of an organism to react to stimuli; irritability. b. degree of susceptibility to stimulation. 3. the ability of a radio or television receiver to respond to incoming signals. [1795–1805]



close to the bone Deep; near to the heart; to the quick; close to home; also near to the bone. The deeper a physical wound, the closer it is to the bone. The phrase is usually used figuratively of mental or emotional sensation.

to the quick Where one is most sensitive and vulnerable; to the very heart or core; deeply; often cut to the quick. In this phrase the quick means ‘the tender, sensitive flesh of the body, particularly that under the nails.’ The expression dates both in literal and figurative usage from the 1520s, but is commonly used today to denote extreme mental or emotional pain.

Noun1.sensitivity - (physiology) responsiveness to external stimulisensitivity - (physiology) responsiveness to external stimuli; the faculty of sensation; "sensitivity to pain"sensitiveness, sensibilitysensory faculty, sentiency, sentience, sense, sensation - the faculty through which the external world is apprehended; "in the dark he had to depend on touch and on his senses of smell and hearing"acuteness - a sensitivity that is keen and highly developed; "dogs have a remarkable acuteness of smell"hypersensitivity - extreme sensitivityreactivity, responsiveness - responsive to stimulationexteroception - sensitivity to stimuli originating outside of the bodyinteroception - sensitivity to stimuli originating inside of the bodyphotosensitivity, radiosensitivity - sensitivity to the action of radiant energyphysiology - the branch of the biological sciences dealing with the functioning of organisms
2.sensitivity - the ability to respond to physical stimuli or to register small physical amounts or differences; "a galvanometer of extreme sensitivity"; "the sensitiveness of Mimosa leaves does not depend on a change of growth"sensitivenessphysical property - any property used to characterize matter and energy and their interactionsfrequency response - (electronics) a curve representing the output-to-input ratio of a transducer as a function of frequency
3.sensitivity - sensitivity to emotional feelings (of self and others)sensitivenessfeeling - the experiencing of affective and emotional states; "she had a feeling of euphoria"; "he had terrible feelings of guilt"; "I disliked him and the feeling was mutual"oversensitiveness - sensitivity leading to easy irritation or upsetsensibility - refined sensitivity to pleasurable or painful impressions; "cruelty offended his sensibility"feelings - emotional or moral sensitivity (especially in relation to personal principles or dignity); "the remark hurt his feelings"
4.sensitivity - susceptibility to a pathogenpredispositionsusceptibility, susceptibleness - the state of being susceptible; easily affectedhabitus - person's predisposition to be affected by something (as a disease); "the consumptive habitus"sensitisation, sensitization - the state of being sensitive (as to an antigen)hypersensitivity - pathological sensitivitydiathesis - constitutional predisposition to a particular disease or abnormality
5.sensitivity - the ability to respond to affective changes in your interpersonal environmentsensitivenessantenna, feeler - sensitivity similar to that of a receptor organ; "he had a special antenna for public relations"defensiveness - excessive sensitivity to criticism; "his defensiveness was manifested in hurt silence"; "the fear of being sued for malpractice has magnified physicians' defensiveness"perceptiveness - the quality of insight and sympathetic understandingability - the quality of being able to perform; a quality that permits or facilitates achievement or accomplishmentinsensitiveness, insensitivity - the inability to respond to affective changes in your interpersonal environment


noun1. susceptibility, responsiveness, reactivity, receptiveness, sensitiveness, reactiveness the sensitivity of cells to chemotherapy2. consideration, feeling, understanding, patience, intuition, delicacy, empathy, tact, responsiveness, thoughtfulness, receptiveness concern and sensitivity for each other's feelings3. delicacy, difficulty, awkwardness, trickiness, ticklishness the obvious sensitivity of the issue4. touchiness, defensiveness, thin skin, hypersensitivity, twitchiness, oversensitivity an atmosphere of extreme sensitivity over the situation5. responsiveness, precision, keenness, acuteness the sensitivity of the detector


noun1. The capacity for or an act of responding to a stimulus:feeling, sensation, sense, sensibility, sensitiveness, sentiment.2. The quality or condition of being emotionally and intuitively sensitive:feeling, sensibility, sensitiveness.


(ˈsensitiv) adjective1. (usually with to) strongly or easily affected (by something). sensitive skin; sensitive to light. 敏感的 敏感的2. (usually with about or to) easily hurt or offended. She is very sensitive to criticism. 容易受傷的,容易生氣的 易受伤害的,容易生气的 3. having or showing artistic good taste. a sensitive writer; a sensitive performance. 藝術品味高的 艺术感觉好的ˈsensitively adverb 敏感地 敏感地ˈsensitiveness noun 敏感 敏感ˌsensiˈtivity noun 敏感性 敏感性



The minimum signal power that can be distinguished from the random fluctuations in the output of a measuring system caused by noise inherent in the system. In a radio telescope contributions to the system noise include noise generated in the first stage of the receiver, thermal noise due to loss in the antenna/feeder system, synchrotron emission received by the antenna from the Galaxy (see radio source), and thermal emission from the atmosphere and from the ground. If the system noise has a power P watts, then an equivalent system temperature, or noise temperature, can be ascribed to it given by T = P /kB where k is the Boltzmann constant and B the bandwidth.

The signal/noise ratio of a radio telescope is the ratio of the power in the output that is due to the radio source under observation to that caused by the system noise. The sensitivity is usually defined as the flux density of a source that would produce the same signal power as the noise power, i.e. a signal/noise ratio of one. If the signal changes only slowly with time, the sensitivity may be improved by increasing the integration time used in the measuring system. See also confusion.



of an automatic control system, the dependence of the dynamic properties of an automatic control system on a variation of the system’s parameters or characteristics. A variation of a system’s parameters is taken to mean any deviations of the system’s parameters from the values adopted as the initial values. Such deviations may be completely known and described by certain functions of time or may be known only to the extent of belonging to a specified class, for example, limited in magnitude. The variations of a system’s parameters may be finite or infinitesimal. Hence, the order of the differential equations that describe the variations may remain unchanged or may vary.

Sensitivity functions are used for the direct evaluation of sensitivity. Such functions play a major role in the quantitative evaluation of the extent to which variations of a system’s parameters affect the dynamic properties of the system.

Sensitivity functions contain extremely valuable information, for example, for solving problems of the synthesis of automatic control systems. A very important problem is the synthesis of systems that have a minimum sensitivity to variations of their parameters. The problem of sensitivity may be considered a problem of the theory of games for automatic control, if we assume that a disturbance caused by a variation of a system’s parameters is in conflict with both the dynamic properties of an object and a control action. Such an application of the methods of the theory of games in sensitivity theory is promising, especially for the synthesis of optimal control systems, which are insensitive to variations of the parameters of a controlled object and have minimax properties.

Of great practical importance is the inverse problem, which consists in the estimation of a variation of a system’s parameters by observing the disturbance of an output signal that is caused by the variation. Parameter variations computed on the basis of a deviation of an output signal may be used to modify the parameters of a control system in order to improve the quality of the operation of the system as a whole.


Metody teorii chuvstvitel’nosti v avtomaticheskom upravlenii. Leningrad, 1971.
Tomović, R., and M. Vukobratović. Obshchaia teorii achuvstvitel’nosti. Moscow, 1972. (Translated from Serbian and English.)



a property of a measuring instrument that is expressed by the ratio of the linear displacement (Δl) or the angular displacement (Δα) of the pointer on the scale of the instrument—that is, the signal at the output of the instrument—and the change in a measured quantity that causes the displacement. A distinction is made between absolute sensitivity and relative sensitivity. Absolute sensitivity S = Δl/Δx or Δα/Δx, where Δx is the change in a measured quantity x and is expressed in the same units as the quantity. Relative sensitivity S0 = Δl/(Δx/x) or Δα/(Δx/x).


[‚sen·sə′tiv·əd·ē] (electronics) The minimum input signal required to produce a specified output signal, for a radio receiver or similar device. Of a camera tube, the signal current developed per unit incident radiation, that is, per watt per unit area. (engineering) A measure of the ease with which a substance can be caused to explode. A measure of the effect of a change in severity of engine-operating conditions on the antiknock performance of a fuel; expressed as the difference between research and motor octane numbers. Also known as spread. (geology) The effect of remolding on the consistency of a clay or cohesive soil, regardless of the physical nature of the causes of the change. (physiology) The capacity for receiving sensory impressions from the environment. (science and technology) The ability of the output of a device, system, or organism to respond to an input stimulus. Mathematically, the ratio of the response or change induced in the output to a stimulus or change in the input.

Sensitivity (engineering)

A property of a system, or part of a system, that indicates how the system reacts to stimuli. The stimuli can be external (that is, an input signal) or a change in an element in the system. Thus, sensitivity can be interpreted as a measure of the variation in some behavior characteristic of the system that is caused by some change in the original value of one or more of the elements of the system.

Sensitivity is commonly used as a figure of merit for characterizing system performance. As a figure of merit, the sensitivity is a numerical indicator of system performance that is useful for predicting system performance in the presence of elemental variations or comparing the relative performance of two or more systems that ideally have the same performance. In the latter case, the performance of the systems relative to some parameter of interest is rank-ordered by the numerical value of the corresponding sensitivity functions. If T is the performance characteristic and X is the element or a specified input level, then mathematically sensitivity is expressed as a normalized derivative of T with respect to X.

A limiting factor in using the sensitivity of a system to characterize performance at low signal levels is the noise. Noise is a statistical description of a random process inherent in all elements in a physical system. The noise is related to the minimum signal that can be processed in a system as a function of physical variables such as pressure, visual brightness, audible tones, and temperature.

There exist many situations where the sensitivity measure indicates the ability of a system to meet certain design specifications. For example, in an electronic system the sensitivity of the output current with respect to the variation of the power-supply voltage can be very critical. In that case, a system with a minimum sensitivity of the output current with respect to the power-supply voltage must be designed. Another example is a high-fidelity audio amplifier whose sensitivity can be interpreted as the capacity of the amplifier to detect the minimum amplifiable signal.



 [sen″sĭ-tiv´ĭ-te] 1. the state or quality of being sensitive; often used to denote a state of abnormal responsiveness to stimulation, or of responding quickly and acutely.2. analytical sensitivity, the smallest concentration of a substance that can be reliably measured by a particular analytical method.3. diagnostic sensitivity; the conditional probability that a person having a disease will be correctly identified by a clinical test, i.e., the number of true positive results divided by the total with the disease (which is the sum of the numbers of true positive plus false negative results). See also specificity.4. sensing threshold.


(sen'si-tiv'i-tē), Avoid the misspelling sensativity. Do not confuse this word with specificity.1. The ability to appreciate by one or more of the senses. 2. State of being sensitive. Synonym(s): esthesia (2) 3. In clinical pathology and medical screening, the proportion of affected patients who give a positive test result for the disease that the test is intended to reveal, that is, true-positive results divided by total true-positive and false-negative results, usually expressed as a percentage. Compare: specificity (2). [L. sentio, pp. sensus, to feel]


(sĕn′sĭ-tĭv′ĭ-tē)n.1. The quality or condition of being sensitive.2. The capacity of an organ or organism to respond to a stimulus.3. The proportion of individuals in a population that will be correctly identified when administered a test designed to detect the presence of a particular disease.


(sĕn′sĭ-tĭv′ĭ-tē)n. pl. sensitivi·ties 1. a. The quality or condition of being sensitive: sensitivity to the concerns of others.b. The capacity to respond to changes in the environment.2. The degree of response of a receiver or instrument to an incoming signal or to a change in the incoming signal, as in FM radio.3. The degree of response to light, especially to light of a specified wavelength, as in photographic film.4. The degree of response to light, especially to light of a specified wavelength, as in photographic film.5. The proportion of individuals in a population with a particular disease or condition that are correctly identified when administered a test for that disease or condition.


Cardiac pacing The degree to which a pacemaker responds to electrical activity in the heart. See Sensing Threshold Lab medicine PID rate, positivity in disease rate, true positive rate The degree to which a test or clinical assay is capable of confirming–or supporting–the diagnosis of disease X–ie, the analyte is appropriately abnormal in a person with disease. See Analytical sensitivity, Predictive value, Two-by-two table. Cf Specificity Neurology The degree to which one can sense a stimulus with a sense organ. See Contact sensitivity, Functional sensitivity, Insulin sensitivity, Multiple chemical sensitivity, Subsensitivity.


(sen'si-tiv'i-tē) 1. The ability to appreciate by means of one or more of the senses. 2. State of being sensitive. 3. clinical pathology The proportion of patients with a given disease or condition in which a test intended to identify that disease or condition yields positive results. Sensitivity (%) = (number of diseased people with a positive test result ÷ total number of diseased people tested) × 100.
Compare: specificity (2)
4. Synonym(s): susceptibility (2) . [L. sentio, pp. sensus, to feel]


The proportion of people with a disease who are correctly diagnosed (test positive based on diagnostic criteria). The higher the sensitivity of a test or diagnostic criteria, the lower the rate of 'false negatives,' people who have a disease but are not identified through the test.Mentioned in: Genetic Testing, Tumor Markers


(sen'si-tiv'i-tē) 1. Ability to appreciate by one or more senses. 2. State of being sensitive.
Synonym(s): esthesia.
3. In clinical pathology and medical screening, proportion of affected patients who give a positive test result for disease test is intended to reveal, i.e., true-positive results divided by total true-positive and false-negative results, usually expressed as a percentage. [L. sentio, pp. sensus, to feel]

Patient discussion about sensitivity

Q. I had cataract surgery with iol implant, and ever since I have awful light sensitivity. Any ideas? I can't go into a "super store" without my sunglasses. My eyes ache at the end of the day.My doctor says "I don't know!"A. May sound a bit silly question, but have you tried to consult your ophthalmologist (eye doctor, e.g. the one that performed the operation) about it? Cataract surgery, although considered very successful, isn't problem-free. Primary physician may not have the necessary specialization to deal with these subjects.

Q. I heard that patients are highly sensitive to their senses? what are the most common symptoms of fibromyalgia and can they be aggravated? I heard that patients are highly sensitive to their senses?A. Great answeer...couldn't agree more!

Q. when my aunt went through chemo (for colon cancer) her palms became VERY sensitive and had a burning feeling is there any way to prevent this from happening to my mom who is starting her chemo now? If not, what it the best treatment for it?A. What you describe sounds like peripheral neuropathy, a well known side effect of platinum chemotherapy which is used for colon cancer. Several measures, including giving infusion of calcium and magnesium, and glutathione were found to reduce the rate of this complication, although further studies are necessary.
However, the information is only general advice, since I haven't examined your mother so if you have any questions about this subject, it may be wise to consult a doctor (e.g. oncologist).
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Related to sensitivity: sensitivity training, sensitivity test, Sensitivity analysis
  • noun

Synonyms for sensitivity

noun susceptibility


  • susceptibility
  • responsiveness
  • reactivity
  • receptiveness
  • sensitiveness
  • reactiveness

noun consideration


  • consideration
  • feeling
  • understanding
  • patience
  • intuition
  • delicacy
  • empathy
  • tact
  • responsiveness
  • thoughtfulness
  • receptiveness

noun delicacy


  • delicacy
  • difficulty
  • awkwardness
  • trickiness
  • ticklishness

noun touchiness


  • touchiness
  • defensiveness
  • thin skin
  • hypersensitivity
  • twitchiness
  • oversensitivity

noun responsiveness


  • responsiveness
  • precision
  • keenness
  • acuteness

Synonyms for sensitivity

noun the capacity for or an act of responding to a stimulus


  • feeling
  • sensation
  • sense
  • sensibility
  • sensitiveness
  • sentiment

noun the quality or condition of being emotionally and intuitively sensitive


  • feeling
  • sensibility
  • sensitiveness

Synonyms for sensitivity

noun (physiology) responsiveness to external stimuli


  • sensitiveness
  • sensibility

Related Words

  • sensory faculty
  • sentiency
  • sentience
  • sense
  • sensation
  • acuteness
  • hypersensitivity
  • reactivity
  • responsiveness
  • exteroception
  • interoception
  • photosensitivity
  • radiosensitivity
  • physiology

noun the ability to respond to physical stimuli or to register small physical amounts or differences


  • sensitiveness

Related Words

  • physical property
  • frequency response

noun sensitivity to emotional feelings (of self and others)


  • sensitiveness

Related Words

  • feeling
  • oversensitiveness
  • sensibility
  • feelings

noun susceptibility to a pathogen


  • predisposition

Related Words

  • susceptibility
  • susceptibleness
  • habitus
  • sensitisation
  • sensitization
  • hypersensitivity
  • diathesis

noun the ability to respond to affective changes in your interpersonal environment


  • sensitiveness

Related Words

  • antenna
  • feeler
  • defensiveness
  • perceptiveness
  • ability


  • insensitiveness
  • insensitivity




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