thymic alymphoplasia

thy·mic a·lym·pho·pla·si·a

hypoplasia with absence of Hassall corpuscles and deficiency of lymphocytes in the thymus and usually in lymph nodes, spleen, and gastrointestinal tract resulting in severe immunodeficiency.
See also: immunodeficiency with hypoparathyroidism.

thy·mic a·lym·pho·pla·si·a

(thī'mik ā-lim'fō-plā'zē-ă) Hypoplasia with absence of Hassall corpuscles and deficiency of lymphocytes in the thymus and usually in lymph nodes, spleen, and gastrointestinal tract; there is peripheral lymphopenia and often hypogammaglobulinemia and absence of plasma cells; presents in early infancy with respiratory infections and leads to death within a few months.


(a?lim?fo-pla'zh(e-)a) [ ¹an- + lympho- + -plasia] Failure of lymphatic tissue to develop.

thymic alymphoplasia

Thymic aplasia.