Patkanov, Kerope
Patkanov, Kerope Petrovich
(also Patkanian). Born May 4 (16), 1833, in Nakhichevan’-na-Donu; died Apr. 2 (14), 1889, in St. Petersburg. Russian Orientalist and expert on Armenian historical sources, philology, and literature.
Patkanov became an adjunct at the University of St. Petersburg in 1861 and a professor ten years later. In 1885 he was made a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. His excellent editions of historical sources, which are still widely used by scholars, include The Chronological History Compiled by Father Mekhitar, Vartabed of Airivan (1869), The History of the Mongols by the monk Magakiia (1871), and A History of the Mongols According to Armenian Sources (fascs. 1–2, 1873–74).
Opyt istorii dinastii Sasanidov, po svedeniiam, soobshchaemym armianskimi pisateliami. St Petersburg, 1863.Armianskaia geografiia VII v. po R. Kh. (pripisyvaemaia Moiseiu Khorenskomu). St. Petersburg, 1877.
Issledovanie o sostave armianskogo iazyka. St. Petersburg, 1864.
”O meste, zanimaemom armianskim iazykom v krugu indoevropeiskikh.” Izv. Kavkazskogo otdeleniia Russkogo geograficheskogo obshchestva, 1879, issue 6.