

单词 -itis



(word root) inflammationExamples of words with the root -itis: bronchitis


suff.1. Inflammation or disease of: laryngitis.2. Excessive preoccupation with, indulgence in, reliance on, or possession of the qualities of: televisionitis.
[Greek -ītis, from feminine of -ītēs, adj. suff. (originally modifying feminine noun nosos, disease).]


suffix forming nouns 1. (Medicine) indicating inflammation of a specified part: tonsillitis. 2. (Medicine) informal indicating a preoccupation with or imaginary condition of illness caused by: computeritis; telephonitis. [New Latin, from Greek, feminine of -itēs belonging to; see -ite1]


a suffix occurring in words that denote an inflammation or disease affecting a given part of the body (appendicitis; bronchitis; phlebitis); also forming nouns, often nonce words, that denote an obsessive state of mind or tendency facetiously compared to a disease (electionitis; telephonitis). [< New Latin, Latin -itis < Greek, feminine of -itēs -ite1]


A suffix meaning "inflammation," as in bronchitis, inflammation of the bronchial tubes.



 word element [Gr.], inflammation.


(ī'tis), Words ending with this suffix form their plurals in -itides. Avoid incorrect singulars in -itide (e.g., arthritide, encephalitide) backformed from such plurals.Suffix denoting inflammation.
See also: -ites.
[G. feminine adjectival suffix]


Adjectival suffix to nouns, corresponding to L. -alis, -ale, or -inus, -inum, or Eng. -y or -like, or the hyphenated nouns; the adjective so formed is used without the qualified noun.
See also: -ite
[G. itēs]


Suffix denoting inflammation of.




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