Tewaukon National Wildlife Refuge
Tewaukon National Wildlife Refuge
Cayuga, ND 58013
Web: www.fws.gov/tewaukon
Established: 1945.
Location:Southeast corner of North Dakota.
Facilities:Visitor contact station, picnic area, trails, viewing sites, boat ramp (é), auto tour route, historic features.
Activities:Boating, canoeing, fishing, ice fishing, hiking, hunting, educational programs.
Special Features:Refuge is located astride the Wild Rice River, which flows from west to east and then north out of Lake Tewaukon. In the 1960s four dams were built to control the river, resulting in hundreds of acres of lakes and marshes, and creating nesting and migration habitat for waterfowl.
Habitats: 8,363 acres of prairie, grasslands, wooded and grassy stream corridors, wetlands, and croplands.
Access: Open daily from dawn until 10pm.
Wild life: Waterfowl, white-tailed deer, red fox, skunk, muskrat, and mink.
See other parks in North Dakota.