

单词 conscious sedation

conscious sedation

conscious sedation

n. Sedation involving the administration of anesthesia without loss of consciousness, used to minimize pain and anxiety in a patient undergoing a minor surgical or diagnostic procedure.

conscious sedation


 [sĕ-da´shun] 1. the allaying of irritability or excitement, especially by administration of a sedative" >sedative.2. the state so induced.conscious sedation in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as administration of sedatives, monitoring of the patient's response, and provision of necessary physiological support during a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure.

conscious sedation

sedation during which the subject is kept from losing consciousness, and receives sufficient analgesia to allow the procedure for which sedation is essential to proceed. Synonym(s): sedation analgesia
A minimally depressed level of consciousness induced by the administration of pharmacologic agents in which a patient retains the ability to independently and continuously maintain an open airway and a regular breathing pattern, and to respond appropriately and rationally to physical stimulation and verbal commands. Conscious sedation may be induced by parenteral or oral medications or combination thereof

conscious sedation

Moderate sedation Anesthesiology Minimally depressed consciousness in which a Pt retains the ability to independently and continuously maintain an open airway and a regular breathing pattern, and to respond appropriately and rationally to physical stimulation and verbal commands; CS may be induced by parenteral or oral medications or combination thereof. Cf General anesthesia.

con·scious se·da·tion

(kon'shŭs sĕ-dā'shŭn) A medically controlled state of depressed consciousness in which airway patency, protective reflexes, and the ability to respond to stimulation or verbal commands are preserved.

con·scious se·da·tion

(kon'shŭs sĕ-dā'shŭn) Sedation during which the subject is kept from losing consciousness and receives sufficient analgesia to allow the procedure for which sedation is essential to proceed.




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