

单词 raw



R0060100 (rô)adj. raw·er, raw·est 1. a. Uncooked: raw meat.b. Being in a natural condition; not processed or refined: raw wool.c. Not finished, covered, or coated: raw wood.d. Not having been subjected to adjustment, treatment, or analysis: raw data; the raw cost of production.e. Undeveloped or unused: raw land.f. Recently finished; fresh: raw plaster.2. Inexperienced or untrained: a raw youth; raw recruits.3. a. Having subcutaneous tissue exposed: a raw wound.b. Inflamed; sore: a raw throat.4. Unpleasantly damp and chilly: raw weather.5. a. Powerfully impressive; stark: raw beauty; raw talent.b. Direct in description and explicit in realistic detail: the film's raw depiction of urban poverty.c. Crude, vulgar, or coarse: raw language.6. Nude; naked: was standing there raw.7. a. Engaged in without the protection of a condom.b. Done in a rough or unrestrained manner. Used of sex.adv. Slang Without a condom; unprotected.Idioms: in the raw1. In a crude or unrefined state: nature in the raw.2. Nude; naked. raw deal An instance of unfair treatment: got a raw deal from our insurance company.
[Middle English rau, from Old English hrēaw; see kreuə- in Indo-European roots.]
raw′ly adv.raw′ness n.


(rɔː) adj1. (Cookery) (of food) not cooked: raw onion. 2. (prenominal) in an unfinished, natural, or unrefined state; not treated by manufacturing or other processes: raw materials for making steel; raw brick. 3. (Clothing & Fashion) (of an edge of material) unhemmed; liable to fray4. (Pathology) (of the skin, a wound, etc) having the surface exposed or abraded, esp painfully5. ignorant, inexperienced, or immature: a raw recruit. 6. (prenominal) not selected or modified: raw statistics. 7. frank or realistic: a raw picture of the breakdown of a marriage. 8. (Brewing) (of spirits) undiluted9. chiefly US coarse, vulgar, or obscene10. chiefly US recently done; fresh: raw paintwork. 11. (Physical Geography) (of the weather) harshly cold and damp12. informal unfair; unjust (esp in the phrase a raw deal)n13. the raw informal Brit a sensitive point: his criticism touched me on the raw. 14. in the raw a. informal without clothes; nakedb. in a natural or unmodified state: life in the raw. [Old English hreaw; related to Old High German hrao, Old Norse hrār raw, Latin cruor thick blood, Greek kreas meat] ˈrawish adj ˈrawly adv ˈrawness n



adj. -er, -est,
n. adj. 1. uncooked: a raw carrot. 2. not processed, finished, or refined: raw cotton. 3. not pasteurized: raw milk. 4. unnaturally or painfully exposed: raw flesh. 5. indelicate; crude: raw jokes. 6. inexperienced; untrained: a raw recruit. 7. frank; unvarnished: a raw portrayal of human passions. 8. brutally harsh or unfair: a raw deal. 9. damp and chilly: a raw day. 10. (of whiskey, rum, etc.) unaged or of undiluted strength. 11. unprocessed; not yet evaluated: raw data. n. 12. a raw condition or substance. Idioms: in the raw, a. in the natural, uncultivated state: nature in the raw. b. nude; naked. [before 1000; Old English hrēaw, hrǣw] raw′ly, adv. raw′ness, n. syn: raw, crude, rude refer to something not in a finished or highly refined state. raw applies particularly to material not yet changed by a process, by manufacture, or by preparation for consumption: raw leather. crude refers to that which still needs refining: crude petroleum. rude refers to what is still in a condition of rough simplicity or in a roughly made form: rude farm implements.
Noun1.raw - informal terms for nakednessraw - informal terms for nakedness; "in the raw"; "in the altogether"; "in his birthday suit"altogether, birthday suitnakedness, nudeness, nudity - the state of being without clothing or covering of any kind
Adj.1.raw - (used especially of commodities) being unprocessed or manufactured using only simple or minimal processes; "natural yogurt"; "natural produce"; "raw wool"; "raw sugar"; "bales of rude cotton"rude, naturalunprocessed - not altered from an original or natural state; "unprocessed commodities"
2.raw - having the surface exposed and painful; "a raw wound"injured - harmed; "injured soldiers"; "injured feelings"
3.raw - not treated with heat to prepare it for eatingcooked - having been prepared for eating by the application of heat
4.raw - not processed or refined; "raw sewage"untreated - not subjected to chemical or physical treatment; "an untreated fabric"
5.raw - devoid of elaboration or diminution or concealment; bare and pure; "naked ambition"; "raw fury"; "you may kill someone someday with your raw power"nakedovert, open - open and observable; not secret or hidden; "an overt lie"; "overt hostility"; "overt intelligence gathering"; "open ballots"
6.raw - brutally unfair or harsh; "received raw treatment from his friends"; "a raw deal"unfair, unjust - not fair; marked by injustice or partiality or deception; "used unfair methods"; "it was an unfair trial"; "took an unfair advantage"
7.raw - not processed or subjected to analysis; "raw data"; "the raw cost of production"; "only the crude vital statistics"crudeunanalyzed - not analyzed or broken down for detailed examination; "an unanalyzed compound"; "unanalyzed data"
8.raw - untempered and unrefined; "raw talent"; "raw beauty"unpolished - not carefully reworked or perfected or made smooth by polishing; "dull unpolished shoes"
9.raw - hurting; "the tender spot on his jaw"sore, tender, sensitivepainful - causing physical or psychological pain; "worked with painful slowness"
10.raw - unpleasantly cold and dampraw - unpleasantly cold and damp; "bleak winds of the North Atlantic"cutting, bleakcold - having a low or inadequate temperature or feeling a sensation of coldness or having been made cold by e.g. ice or refrigeration; "a cold climate"; "a cold room"; "dinner has gotten cold"; "cold fingers"; "if you are cold, turn up the heat"; "a cold beer"
11.raw - used of wood and furnitureraw - used of wood and furniture; "raw wood"unsandedunfinished - not brought to the desired final state
12.raw - lacking training or experience; "the new men were eager to fight"; "raw recruits"newinexperienced, inexperient - lacking practical experience or training
13.raw - (used informally) completely unclothedraw - (used informally) completely unclothedbare-ass, bare-assed, in the altogether, in the buff, in the raw, naked as a jaybird, peeled, stark nakedcolloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speechunclothed - not wearing clothing


adjective1. unrefined, natural, crude, unprocessed, basic, rough, organic, coarse, unfinished, untreated, unripe two ships carrying raw sugar
unrefined finished, prepared, refined
2. uncooked, natural, fresh, bloody (of meat), undressed, unprepared a popular dish made of raw fish
uncooked done, cooked, baked
3. sore, open, skinned, sensitive, tender, scratched, grazed, chafed, abraded the drag of the rope against the raw flesh of my shoulder4. frank, plain, bare, naked, realistic, brutal, blunt, candid, unvarnished, unembellished the raw passions of nationalism
frank gilded, embellished
5. simple, natural, clean, classic, severe, plain, uncluttered, unadorned, unfussy, unembellished the raw vitality of his earlier paintings6. inexperienced, new, green, ignorant, immature, unskilled, callow, untrained, untried, undisciplined, unseasoned, unpractised He is still raw but his potential shows.
inexperienced trained, experienced, professional, skilled, practised
7. chilly, biting, cold, freezing, bitter, wet, chill, harsh, piercing, damp, unpleasant, bleak, parky (Brit. informal) a raw December morning8. untreated, crude, unprocessed, in its natural state contamination of bathing water by raw sewage
in the raw in its natural state, untouched by human hand, as God intended This is nature in the raw.


adjective1. Not cooked:uncooked.2. In a natural state and still not prepared for use:crude, native, unprocessed, unrefined.3. Lacking expert, careful craftsmanship:crude, primitive, rough, rude, unpolished.4. Lacking experience and the knowledge gained from it:green, inexperienced, inexpert, uninitiate, uninitiated, unpracticed, unseasoned, untried, unversed.


(roː) adjective1. not cooked. raw onions/meat. 生的 生的2. not prepared or refined; in the natural state. raw cotton; What raw materials are used to make plastic? 未加工的,天然的 未加工的,处于天然状态的 3. with the skin rubbed and sore. My heel is raw because my shoe doesn't fit properly. 因磨擦而疼痛的 擦伤的,红肿疼痛的擦掉皮的 4. untrained; inexperienced. raw recruits. 未經訓練的,無經驗的 未经训练的,无经验的 ˈrawness noun 未煮,未加工,無經驗 原状,生,无经验 a raw deal unfair treatment. 不公平的待遇 不公平的待遇ˈraw material noun material before being processed or manufactured; material in its natural state such as iron and coal. 原料 原料


  • I can't eat raw eggs → 我不能吃生鸡蛋


raw deal

An unfair situation or poor treatment. Mandy really got a raw deal at that job. They passed her over for so many promotions!See also: deal, raw

come the raw prawn

slang To act as though one has no knowledge of something. Primarily heard in Australia. I know she's coming the raw prawn with me because her fingerprints were found at the scene of the crime.See also: come, prawn, raw

get a raw deal

To receive unfair or poor treatment in a particular situation. Mandy really got a raw deal at that job. They passed her over for so many promotions!See also: deal, get, raw

hit a (raw) nerve

To evoke a strong emotional reaction, such as anger, sadness, or disgust, upon being encountered, heard, read, etc. Your column must have hit a nerve, because we are getting slammed with feedback from readers—and they're not happy. I could tell he was hitting a raw nerve when he brought up Jane's former employer and Jane went silent for a moment.See also: hit, nerve

life in the raw

Life in its natural, unembellished state. Most tourists opt to stay in cushy hotels and eat at nice restaurants, missing out on the chance to experience a city's life in the raw.See also: life, raw

touch a (raw) nerve

To evoke a strong emotional reaction, such as anger, sadness, or disgust, upon being encountered, heard, read, etc. Your column must have touched a nerve, because we are getting slammed with feedback from readers—and they're not happy. I could tell he was touching a raw nerve when he brought up Jane's former employer and Jane went silent for a moment.See also: nerve, touch

in the raw

1. Completely naked. I have a recurring nightmare where I'm walking through school in the raw. As kids, we had no problem going swimming together in the raw.2. At the most basic, crude, or natural state. No matter how friendly a corporation tries to appear, in the raw, they are only ever concerned with making a profit. The world of animals in nature is fascinating and often beautiful, but in the raw, it is a heartless story of death and survival.See also: raw

in the altogether

Naked. I keep having the dream where I walk into my high school in the altogether!

catch (one) on the raw

To do or say something (such as mentioning a sensitive topic) that causes one to feel angry, agitated, or self-conscious; to touch a nerve. Primarily heard in UK. I accidentally caught Vanessa on the raw by mentioning her new haircut—apparently, she's really unhappy with it. Your column must have caught the MP on the raw, because we've been served with a defamation lawsuit from his office. I could tell she was touching Jack on the raw when she brought up his former employer.See also: catch, on, raw

touch (one) on the raw

To do or say something (such as mentioning a sensitive topic) that causes one to feel angry, agitated, or self-conscious; to touch a nerve. Primarily heard in UK. I accidentally touched Vanessa on the raw by mentioning her new haircut—apparently, she's really unhappy with it. Your column must have touched the mayor on the raw, because we've been served with a defamation lawsuit from his office. I could tell she was touching Jack on the raw when she brought up his former employer.See also: on, raw, touch

raw recruit

A man or woman who is inexperienced and newly recruited to some organization. The number of raw recruits for the police force has plummeted for the third year in a row. We're touring around various high schools across the state looking for raw recruits to join the military after they graduate. My job is to turn raw recruits into fully fledged soldiers.See also: raw, recruit

*in the altogether

 and *in the buff; *in the nude; *in the rawFig. naked; nude. (*Typically: be ~; get [into] ~; sleep ~.) The museum has a painting of some ladies in the buff. Mary felt a little shy about getting into the altogether. Bill says he sleeps in the raw.

*raw deal

an instance of unfair or bad treatment. (*Typically: get ~; have ~; give someone ~.) Mary got a raw deal on her traffic ticket. She was innocent, but she had to pay a big fine. I bought a used TV that worked for two days and then quit. I sure got a raw deal. You sure had a raw deal.See also: deal, raw

raw recruit

a new, inexperienced, or fresh recruit, such as someone just entering the army, navy, police, etc. These boys are nothing but raw recruits. They've never seen a gun up close!See also: raw, recruit

in the altogether

Also, in or stripped to the buff ; in the raw. Naked, nude, as in The art class wanted a model to pose in the altogether, or She was stripped to the buff when the doorbell rang, or He always sleeps in the raw. The first of these colloquial terms dates from the late 1800s. In the buff, a seemingly modern locution dates from the 1600s, buff alluding to a soft, undyed leather, buffskin, that also gave its name to the color. The use of raw, presumably also alluding to raw (undressed) leather, dates from the early 1900s.

raw deal

An instance of unfair or harsh treatment, as in After 25 years with the bank Bob got a raw deal-no pension, no retirement benefits of any kind, just a gold watch. Raw here means "crude" or "unfair." [First half of 1900s] See also: deal, raw

get a raw deal

COMMON If you get a raw deal, you have been treated unfairly or badly. We must ask why bank customers get such a raw deal. Note: Verbs such as have and receive can be used instead of get. Until quite recently, large ladies had a raw deal. We designed old-fashioned clothes for them. It is not only teaching staff who receive a raw deal in terms of pay and conditions. Note: You can also say that you give someone a raw deal. I have seen numerous cases where the foreign-born minority were given a raw deal and were treated as second-class or third-class citizens. Note: This may refer to someone being dealt a bad hand in a game of cards. See also: deal, get, raw

touch a nerve


touch a raw nerve

COMMON If something that you say touches a nerve or touches a raw nerve, it upsets someone, because you have mentioned a subject that they feel strongly about or are very sensitive about. I realised I had touched a nerve with my remarks. Buchanan's speech touched a raw nerve here at the Capitol. Note: You can also use other verbs such as strike or hit instead of touch. She seemed to strike a nerve when she asked Dr. Lowe about his past life. His remarks clearly hit a raw nerve with congressional Democrats.See also: nerve, touch

come the raw prawn

mainly AUSTRALIAN, INFORMALIf someone comes the raw prawn, they try to trick you, especially by pretending not to know about something. Don't come the raw prawn with me, sport, or I'll knock your head off.See also: come, prawn, raw

in the altogether

without any clothes on; naked. informal 1991 Today The mothers…have agreed to pose in the altogether.

a raw (or rough) deal

a situation in which someone receives unfair or harsh treatment. informalSee also: deal, raw

touch (or hit) a (raw) nerve

provoke a reaction by referring to a sensitive topic.See also: nerve, touch

come the raw prawn

attempt to deceive someone. Australian informal In Australian English, a stupid person can be referred to as a prawn . 1959 Eric Lambert Glory Thrown In Don't ever come the raw prawn with Doc, mate. He knows all the lurks. See also: come, prawn, raw

in the raw

1 in its true state; not made to seem better or more palatable than it actually is. 2 (of a person) naked. informalSee also: raw

touch someone on the raw

upset someone by referring to a subject about which they are extremely sensitive.See also: on, raw, someone, touch

a raw/rough ˈdeal

unfair treatment: Many old people feel they are getting a raw deal from the state: they pay money towards a pension all their working life but discover it isn’t worth much when they retire.See also: deal, raw, rough

catch/touch somebody on the ˈraw

(British English) upset somebody by reminding them of something they are particularly sensitive about: She touched him on the raw by criticizing his driving.See also: catch, on, raw, somebody, touch

in the ˈraw

in a way that does not hide the unpleasant aspects of something: If you want to see life in the raw, get a job as a police officer.See also: raw


1. mod. inexperienced; brand new. The raw recruit did as well as could be expected. 2. mod. vulgar; crude; raucous; untamed. I’ve had enough of your raw humor. 3. mod. [of alcoholic spirits] undiluted; neat. I’ll drink it raw—just the way it is now. 4. mod. [of alcoholic spirits] unaged; fiery and strong. My gosh, this stuff is raw! It’ll burn a hole in me.

a raw deal

n. an unfair deal; unfair treatment. My last job was a raw deal. I hope this is better. See also: deal, raw

in the raw

1. In a crude or unrefined state: nature in the raw.2. Nude; naked.See also: raw

raw deal

An instance of unfair treatment: got a raw deal from our insurance company.See also: deal, raw

raw deal, a

Harsh or unfair treatment. The raw in this expression, which originated in America, means “crude.” In 1912 a Canadian dictionary defined the term as “a swindle,” a meaning not much invoked today. E. C. Bentley used the expression in Those Days (1940): “If it was what is known nowadays as a raw deal, they did not mind.”See also: raw



1. (of the skin, a wound, etc.) having the surface exposed or abraded, esp painfully 2. (of spirits) undiluted 3. (of the weather) harshly cold and damp


[] (meteorology) Colloquially descriptive of uncomfortably cold weather, usually meaning cold and damp, but sometimes cold and windy.


(1) See raw data, RAW image format and native capacity.

(2) Untouched. Original. Contrast with "processed" or "cooked."



Abbreviation for resistance, airway.


Drug slang
noun A regional term for crack cocaine.
Nutrition adjective
Not cooked, bloody.
Vox populi
adjective Unseasoned, inexperienced.

Patient discussion about raw

Q. Is raw vegan diet good for health? If not, why? Hi I am fond of raw vegan diet. Is raw vegan diet good for health? If not, why? A. Undoubtedly raw vegan diet promises light weight and healthy bones. Interestingly, individuals’ consuming raw vegan diet has had a low bone mass. People who consumed raw vegan diet have a low body fat, lighter bones, higher levels of vitamin D and reduced levels of inflammatory makers. The underlying risk is that they are more prone to osteoporosis and osteopenia (severe bone loss).

Q. My friends guide me and say that it is not good to eat rice raw. I like eating raw rice a lot. I cannot stop eating. My friends guide me and say that it is not good to eat rice raw. They don’t have the reason to explain, when I ask. Can anyone explain?A. See, Raw Rice eating is children’s habit. But it’s not unhealthy, at all. The rice swells in your stomach. If you eat in large amount, it may lead to discomfort. May be your stomach filled with raw rice had swollen and it may burst your stomach and it had happened to many. If you love so much better soak it in water, properly cook and have it. One thing is worth saying that, almost all raw food gives good nutrition and so the raw rice.

Q. How can I catch Salmonella? Yesterday I ate a mousse which was made from raw eggs. Could I have caught Salmonella?A. Salmonella infections usually resolve in 5-7 days and often do not require treatment unless the patient becomes severely dehydrated or the infection spreads from the intestines. Persons with severe diarrhea may require rehydration, often with intravenous fluids (IV). Antibiotics are not usually necessary unless the infection spreads from the intestines.

More discussions about raw



Describing a coin that has not been officially appraised or put in some protective casing by an appraisal company.


RAWRead and Write
RAWReading and Writing
RAWResearch and Analysis Wing
RAWRobert Anton Wilson
RAWReady and Willing
RAWRead after Write
RAWRoughing after Whistle (hockey)
RAWRules As Written (roleplaying games)
RAWRight Angle Weave (beadwork stitch)
RAWRadio Warwick (student radio station; University of Warwick; UK)
RAWAirways Resistance (respiratory mechanics parameter)
RAWRuderklub Am Wannsee (rowing club, Berlin, Germany)
RAWRaw Architecture Workstation
RAWReggae Ambassadors Worldwide
RAWRemedial Action Workplan
RAWRear Axle Weight
RAWRapid American Withdrawal
RAWRevenue Anticipation Warrants
RAWRifleman's Assault Weapon
RAWReader Appreciation Week
RAWReal Action Wrestling
RAWReconfigurable Architecture Workstation
RAWRouting and Assignment of Wavelength
RAWRisk Analyst Workbench
RAWRosa Antifa Vienna
RAWRutger Accounting Web
RAWReconnaissance Attack Wing
RAWReliability Achievement Worth
RAWRetrieval Application Website
RAWReduction of Administrative Workload
RAWRaunchy Asian Women (play by Diana Son)
RAWReno Alliance of Wrestlers
RAWRapid Analytical Wargaming (US DoD)
RAWRipe Analogue Waveform (music records)
RAWRandall & Walsh Associates (UK)


  • all
  • adj
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for raw

adj unrefined


  • unrefined
  • natural
  • crude
  • unprocessed
  • basic
  • rough
  • organic
  • coarse
  • unfinished
  • untreated
  • unripe


  • finished
  • prepared
  • refined

adj uncooked


  • uncooked
  • natural
  • fresh
  • bloody
  • undressed
  • unprepared


  • done
  • cooked
  • baked

adj sore


  • sore
  • open
  • skinned
  • sensitive
  • tender
  • scratched
  • grazed
  • chafed
  • abraded

adj frank


  • frank
  • plain
  • bare
  • naked
  • realistic
  • brutal
  • blunt
  • candid
  • unvarnished
  • unembellished


  • gilded
  • embellished

adj simple


  • simple
  • natural
  • clean
  • classic
  • severe
  • plain
  • uncluttered
  • unadorned
  • unfussy
  • unembellished

adj inexperienced


  • inexperienced
  • new
  • green
  • ignorant
  • immature
  • unskilled
  • callow
  • untrained
  • untried
  • undisciplined
  • unseasoned
  • unpractised


  • trained
  • experienced
  • professional
  • skilled
  • practised

adj chilly


  • chilly
  • biting
  • cold
  • freezing
  • bitter
  • wet
  • chill
  • harsh
  • piercing
  • damp
  • unpleasant
  • bleak
  • parky

adj untreated


  • untreated
  • crude
  • unprocessed
  • in its natural state

phrase in the raw


  • in its natural state
  • untouched by human hand
  • as God intended

Synonyms for raw

adj not cooked


  • uncooked

adj in a natural state and still not prepared for use


  • crude
  • native
  • unprocessed
  • unrefined

adj lacking expert, careful craftsmanship


  • crude
  • primitive
  • rough
  • rude
  • unpolished

adj lacking experience and the knowledge gained from it


  • green
  • inexperienced
  • inexpert
  • uninitiate
  • uninitiated
  • unpracticed
  • unseasoned
  • untried
  • unversed

Synonyms for raw

noun informal terms for nakedness


  • altogether
  • birthday suit

Related Words

  • nakedness
  • nudeness
  • nudity

adj (used especially of commodities) being unprocessed or manufactured using only simple or minimal processes


  • rude
  • natural

Related Words

  • unprocessed

adj having the surface exposed and painful

Related Words

  • injured

adj not treated with heat to prepare it for eating


  • cooked

adj not processed or refined

Related Words

  • untreated

adj devoid of elaboration or diminution or concealment


  • naked

Related Words

  • overt
  • open

adj brutally unfair or harsh

Related Words

  • unfair
  • unjust

adj not processed or subjected to analysis


  • crude

Related Words

  • unanalyzed

adj untempered and unrefined

Related Words

  • unpolished

adj hurting


  • sore
  • tender
  • sensitive

Related Words

  • painful

adj unpleasantly cold and damp


  • cutting
  • bleak

Related Words

  • cold

adj used of wood and furniture


  • unsanded

Related Words

  • unfinished

adj lacking training or experience


  • new

Related Words

  • inexperienced
  • inexperient

adj (used informally) completely unclothed


  • bare-ass
  • bare-assed
  • in the altogether
  • in the buff
  • in the raw
  • naked as a jaybird
  • peeled
  • stark naked

Related Words

  • colloquialism
  • unclothed




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