Patent french
PATENT FRENCH. The following points in relation to the patent laws of France will be found useful to those who have invented valuable machinery, and who are desirous of availing themselves of the patent laws of that country:
2.-Sec. 1. To whom patents are granted. All persons may obtain patents in this country, whether they are men or women, adults or infants, Frenchmen or foreigners, and in general all persons who fulfill the conditions required by the law in order to obtain patents.
3. It is not requisite that the applicant should be present, but the application must be made in his name.
4.-Sec. 2. The different kinds of patents. There are three principal kinds of patents. 1. Patents for inventions, (brevets d' invention.) 2. Patents for improvements, (brevets de perfectionnement.) 3. Patents for importations, (brevets d'importations.) But as patents may be taken for a combination of the above, there may be added, by such combination, four others, namely; 5. Patents for invention and improvements, (brevets d'invention et de perfectionnemen t.) 6. Patents for invention and importation, (brevets d'invention et d'importation.) 7. Patents for importation and improvement, (brevets d'importation et de perfectionnement.) 8. Patents for importation, invention and improvement (brevets d'invention, et perfectionnement et d' importation.)
5. The forms prescribed to obtain these several kinds of patents are exactly, the same, the only difference consists in the declaration of the applicant, which must be in conformity with the kind of patent he desires to obtain.
6. The applicant himself has the right to fix the number of years for, which he desires to have his patent, when he applies, to have his request registered at the prefecture. He may have it for five, ten, or fifteen years. And this period he has a right to change until the patent has been signed. But with regard to patents for importations, the duration of the patent cannot extend beyond the period for which there is a patent in the country, from which the importation has been made.
7. Patents, other than for importation, may be extended as to time. There are two species of prolongation; the first, within fifteen years; the second, beyond fifteen years.
8.-Sec. 3. Cost of patents. The tax, as it is called, which must be paid in order to obtain a patent, varies according to the duration of the patent. This tax may be paid in cash or by installments. When paid in cash, it is as follows: 1. For, five years, 300 francs, about 56 dollars and 40 cents. 2. For ten years, 800 francs, about 94 dollars. 3. For fifteen years, 1500 francs, about 282 dollars; besides some office expenses, amounting to from ten to fifteen dollars.
9.-Sec. 4. Foreign patents. The patentee in France cannot obtain a patent in a foreign country, without losing his rights in France; but this provision is easily eluded by another person taking out the patent in the foreign country, when patents for importations are granted. Perpigna, Manuel des Inventeurs, &o., c. 3, 5, p. 90.