Bolleana Poplar
Bolleana Poplar
(Populus pyramidalis), a dioecious tree of the family Salicaceae. The erect trunk, which reaches 40 m tall, branches almost from its base. The tree has a pyramidal or narrow-pyramidal crown formed by vertical or nearly vertical branches. The serrate leaves are rhomboid or broadly triangular, and the flowers are in catkins. The Bolleana poplar, which evidently is native to Afghanistan, is cultivated mainly in the Mediterranean region. In the USSR it is found in the Caucasus, in Middle Asia, and in the steppes and forest steppes of the European part of the country. The tree grows along rivers, irrigation ditches, and canals, as well as in forest stands, gardens, and parks. It is propagated by cuttings. Other species of poplar also have pyramidal crowns.