Voprosy Filosofii
Voprosy Filosofii
(Problems of Philosophy), a scholarly journal of the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Published in Moscow since August 1947.
Voprosy filosofii was published three times a year beginning in 1947 and six times a year beginning in 1951. Since 1958 it has been appearing twelve times a year. The articles in the journal have been provided with summaries in English since the end of 1959. B. M. Kedrov was appointed editor in chief in 1947, D. I. Chesnokov in 1948, F. V. Konstantinov in 1952, M. D. Kammari in 1954, A. F. Okulov in 1959, M. B. Mitin in 1960, and I. T. Frolov in 1968.
Voprosy filosofii publishes the results of work on the problems of dialectical and historical materialism and of the theory of scientific communism and socialist construction. Also printed are studies on the problem of philosophical generalization of vital problems connected with social trans-formations, the development of culture, the discoveries of modern natural science, and the development of logic, ethics, aesthetics, atheism, the history of philosophy, and sociology. The journal provides a critical analysis of the basic trends and theories of contemporary non-Marxist philosophy and sociology. It also publishes works on the history of pre-Marxist and Marxist-Leninist philosophy in the USSR as well as new texts of the classics of Marxism. The journal systematically conducts discussions on the various problems of philosophical knowledge. Both Soviet and foreign philosophers contribute to Voprosy filosofii. In 1971 its circulation was approximately 40,000.