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DictionarySeeoperationFrazier-Spiller operation
tri·gem·i·nal rhi·zot·o·mydivision or section of a sensory root of the fifth cranial nerve, accomplished through a subtemporal (Frazier-Spiller operation), suboccipital (Dandy operation), or transtentorial approach. Synonym(s): retrogasserian neurectomy, retrogasserian neurotomyFrazier-Spiller operation (frā′zhər-spĭl′ər)n. A subtemporal trigeminal rhizotomy.tri·gem·i·nal rhi·zot·o·my (trī-jem'i-năl rī-zot'ŏ-mē) Division or section of a sensory root of the fifth cranial nerve, accomplished through a subtemporal (Frazier-Spiller operation), suboccipital (Dandy operation), or transtentorial approach. Frazier, Charles H., U.S. surgeon, 1870-1936. Frazier dural guideFrazier incisionFrazier needle - a needle for draining lateral ventricles of brain.Frazier styletFrazier suction tipFrazier suction tubeFrazier-Spiller operation - division or section of a sensory root of the fifth cranial nerve, accomplished through a subtemporal approach.
Spiller, William G., U.S. neurologist, 1864-1940. Frazier-Spiller operation - see under Frazier |