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ar·te·ri·al·ize A0442000 (är-tîr′ē-ə-līz′)tr.v. ar·te·ri·al·ized, ar·te·ri·al·iz·ing, ar·te·ri·al·iz·es To convert (venous blood) into bright red arterial blood by absorption of oxygen in the lungs. ar·te′ri·al·i·za′tion (-lĭ-zā′shən) n.arterialization
ar·te·ri·al·i·za·tion (ar-tē'rē-ăl-ī-zā'shŭn), 1. Making or becoming arterial. 2. Aeration or oxygenation of the blood whereby it is changed in character from venous to arterial. 3. Synonym(s): vascularization4. Conversion of a venous structure to arterial function. arterialization Physiology A mechanical and ventilatory process in which venous blood passes through the pulmonary circulation and, through the exchanges of gases, undergoes ↑ O2 and ↓ CO2Patient discussion about arterializationQ. my mother have stem replacement for a coronary artery oclusion is already 2 years she physically deteriorating since surgery why???? please help she does not have energyA. I agree with Dagmar. It can be most likely caused by another occlusion or re-occlusion inside the heart blood vessels. Since that is a life-threatening case, I strongly suggest you to bring your mother into a hospital (for complete check up), or just call your cardiologist to have first treatment. Meanwhile, that will be better if you have emergency oxygen (just in case you'll need it) with you.
Q. how many 1. calories 2. good vs bad fat 3. protein does 1 cup of whole milk have compared to 1 cup of almonds? A. Each almond has 7 calories. A cup of almonds has 680 calories, Total Fat: 60g, out of which 3.9g are Saturated Fat (=bad fat), Carbs: 24g, Protein: 24g. 1 cup of 2% milk has 130 calories, Total Fat: 5g, out of which 3g are Saturated Fat (=bad fat), Carbs: 13g, Protein: 8g. Here is the nutrition value of different kinds of milk as well: http://www.cassclay.com/milk_nut.html More discussions about arterializationThesaurusSeearterialize |