Patagonia Lake State Park

Patagonia Lake State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Arizona
Location:12 miles northeast of Nogales on AZ 82, in the Sonoita Valley.
Facilities:107 campsites, 12 boat-in campsites, 34 electric hookups, showers,restrooms, group-use area, picnic areas, picnic shelter, nature trails,marina, beach, boat ramps, boat rental, fishing pier, visitor center,playground, camp store (é).
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, swimming, hiking, bird watching.
Special Features:Patagonia Lake, a 250-acre manmade lake in southeastern Arizona, ispopular for a variety of recreational activities. Located within thepark is the 5,000-acre SonoitaCreek StateNatural Area, which is unique in that seven distinct vegetativecommunities, ranging from semi-desert grasslands to riparian deciduousforests, are present within a relatively small area. It also supportsnumerous rare and endangered wildlife species.
Address:400 Patagonia Lake Rd
Patagonia, AZ 85624

Web: Elevation: 3,750 feet.

See other parks in Arizona.