Thunder Basin National Grassland

Thunder Basin National Grassland

Parks Directory of the United States / National GrasslandsAddress:2250 E Richards St
Douglas, WY 82633

Size: 572,000 acres.
Location:Northeastern Wyoming. Accessible by WY 59, 450, 116, 451, and US 16. Nearby cities/towns include Wright, Moorecroft, Gillete, Douglas, Newcastle, and Upton.
Facilities:Dispersed camping, picnic areas, trails, reservoir, fishing pier, OHV roads (1,000+ miles).
Activities:Camping, fishing, hunting, hiking, mountain biking, OHV riding, bird watching, wildlife viewing.
Special Features:Where the Black Hills meet the prairie, site of one of the largest intact grassland habitats left in the Northern Great Plains. Numerous prehistoric and historic sites have been found here, ranging from Native American encampments, to historic trails and wagon roads, to more recent homesteads and pastoral camps. Current uses of the property include surface coal mining, oil and gas development, cattle grazing, and recreation.

See other parks in Wyoming.