Acronym | Definition |
UGM➣Universitas Gajah Mada (Indonesian university) |
UGM➣Union Geofisica Mexicana (Spanish: Geophysical Union Mexicana; Mexico) |
UGM➣Union Gospel Mission (Seattle, Washington) |
UGM➣User Group Meeting |
UGM➣Universal Gateway Manager |
UGM➣Universal Granite & Marble (various locations) |
UGM➣Urban Growth Management (various locations) |
UGM➣User Generated Media |
UGM➣Users' Group Meeting |
UGM➣Universal Graphics Module (industrial computer systems) |
UGM➣Union General Meeting |
UGM➣Ultimate Gaming Machine (computer) |
UGM➣Universal Group Membership |
UGM➣User Group Manager |
UGM➣University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia |
UGM➣Underwater Guided Missile |
UGM➣Unité de Génétique Médicale (French: Unit of Medical Genetics; France) |
UGM➣Undergroundmonsters (websites) |
UGM➣ (website) |
UGM➣Urban Grey Metallic (Subaru vehicle color) |