

单词 success



favorable or prosperous outcome; attainment of wealth, position, fame, etc.
Not to be confused with:succuss – to shake up; shake


S0858800 (sək-sĕs′)n.1. The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted: attributed their success in business to hard work.2. a. The gaining of fame or prosperity: an artist spoiled by success.b. The extent of such gain.3. One that is successful: The plan was a success.4. Archaic A result or an outcome.
[Latin successus, from past participle of succēdere, to succeed; see succeed.]


(səkˈsɛs) n1. the favourable outcome of something attempted2. the attainment of wealth, fame, etc3. an action, performance, etc, that is characterized by success4. a person or thing that is successful5. obsolete any outcome[C16: from Latin successus an outcome, from succēdere to succeed] sucˈcessless adj



n. 1. the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors. 2. the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like. 3. a successful performance or achievement. 4. a person or thing that is successful. 5. Obs. outcome. [1530–40; < Latin successus <succed-, variant s. of succēdere to succeed]


  • marplot - A person who spoils a plot or who ruins the success of an undertaking or process.
  • acid test - A test that is conclusive of the value or success of something, derived from the original use of nitric acid as a test for gold.
  • core asset, core competency - A core asset is something essential to success, and a core competency is a distinguishing advantage.
  • exploit - Originally meant "progress, success," and "speed."




  1. The anatomy of the first major success is like the young human body, a miracle only the owner can fully savor —John Fowles
  2. As he rose like a rocket, he fell like a stick —Thomas Paine
  3. A certain prosperity coats these people like scent or the layer of buttery light in a painting by Rubens —Jean Thompson
  4. A conqueror, like a cannon ball, must go on; if he rebounds, his career is over —The Duke of Wellington
  5. (The midlist author is) dogged by his past sales record, like a utility infielder with a .228 lifetime batting average —Phillip Lopate, New York Times Book Review, May 24, 1987
  6. Failed … like an old hanging bridge —Marge Piercy
  7. Fail like a five-year plan —Derek Lambert
  8. Failure grabs a man like an old and shabby suit —Derek Lambert
  9. (A great beauty) flourishing like a rose —Isak Dinesen
  10. Flourishing like a weed in a hot house —Susan Fromberg Schaeffer
  11. Flourishing like trees —Hilma Wolitzer
  12. Had risen to his great height like a man lifted to the ceiling by a sort of slow explosion —G. K. Chesterton
  13. High office is like a pyramid; only two kinds of animals reach the summit, reptiles and eagles —Jean Le Rond d’Alembert
  14. His life, day after day, was failing like an unreplenished stream —Percy Bysshe Shelley
  15. Moving up hand over hand … like a champion —Tom Wolfe
  16. Pursued success as a knight the Holy Grail —Anon


  17. Sailed through the world like a white yacht jubilant with flags —John Gardner
  18. Selling like lemonade at a track meet —T. Coraghessan Boyle
  19. Sell like hotcakes —Anon

    Different industries have coined many phrases for things which sell well. This American simile which came into use in the middle of the nineteenth century is still the most widely used. For a twist in meaning there’s “Selling like cold hot cakes” from The Last Good Kiss by James Crumley.

  20. Sold [books by nineteenth century author Karl May] like pancakes topped by wild blueberries and heavy cream —Vincent Canby, New York Times, June 25, 1986
  21. Sold like picks and pans in a gold rush —Robert Guenther, Wall Street Journal, August 6, 1986
  22. Success is as ice cold and lonely as the North Pole —Vicki Baum

    See Also: ALONENESS

  23. Success is feminine and like a woman, if you cringe before her, she will override you —William Faulkner

    Faulkner expanded on this simile still further: “So the way to treat her is to show her the back of your hand. Then maybe she will do the crawling.”

  24. Success on some men looks like a borrowed coat; it sits on you as though it had been made to order —Edith Wharton
  25. Triumphs like a trumpet —Wallace Stevens
  26. Wanted his success acknowledged … like the high school loser who dreams of driving to the class reunion in a custom-made sports car —Jean Thompson
  27. Winning an Oscar … it’s like getting thirty thousand red roses at one time —Louise Fletcher, from Rex Reed interview
  28. Wore his success like his health —George Garrett



(See also VICTORY.)

bring down the house To elicit a vigorous and lengthy ovation from an audience; to be a smash or great success; sometimes bring down the gallery. The image created by this expression, in which house means ‘theater’ or ‘playhouse,’ is one of such loud, sustained applause as to bring about the collapse of the building. The phrase was in use as early as 1754.

have the last laugh To prove ultimately successful after an apparent defeat; to avenge. The idea of having the last laugh is fairly literal, i.e., though others may laugh now, the butt of their humor will laugh later when, in the final analysis, he is victorious. This phrase was popularized in the 1937 song “They All Laughed,”by George and Ira Gershwin:

They all laughed at us and how!
But Ho, Ho, Ho!
Who’s got the last laugh now?

Related expressions are he who laughs last laughs best, and he laughs best that laughs last. The latter appeared in The Mistake (1706) by Sir John Vanbrugh.

hit the jackpot See GOOD LUCK.

land on one’s feet To achieve success despite predictable loss; to extricate one-self from a potentially dangerous situation; to escape failure narrowly. This popular expression usually appears in a context implying that the one who “lands on his feet” does so through undeserved luck; he repeatedly gets himself into scrapes but somehow survives. It is apparently based on the notion that one plummeting downward is unlikely to land safely, let alone feet first.

pan out To succeed; to yield results, especially favorable ones; to occur. This expression alludes to panning for gold, a method of prospecting in which a shallow pan is used to scoop a small amount of gravel and sand from a stream. Any gold present settles to the bottom of the pan as the gravel and sand are washed away. Pan out, then, originally indicated a successful prospecting venture. As the California gold rush that spawned this expression began to subside, pan out became more figurative, and has remained in widespread usage since the late 19th century.

Socialism … may pan out as a new kind of religion. (Sinclair Lewis, Our Mr. Wrenn, 1914)

pay dirt Any desired result or goal, especially one related to wealth or success; a fortunate discovery. Literally, pay dirt is a mining term that refers to an area of land that contains enough valuable metals or other resources to merit excavation. After its introduction in the 1870s, pay dirt soon became more figurative, commonly being applied to any success.

I didn’t hit pay dirt until near the bottom of the second box of discarded telephone directories. (John Evans, Halo in Blood, 1946)

In recent years, pay dirt has been used frequently to describe the end zone (goal area) of a football field.

ring the bell To succeed, to make a hit; to be the best. The bell of this expression may be that attached to the strength-testing machine at carnivals which rings when a player is successful. Or it may be the bell in target shooting that rings when the bull’s-eye is hit.

strike oil To have good luck or success, especially financial; to discover a source of potential personal aggrandizement; to strike it rich; to hit pay dirt. This expression alludes to oil as an entity which inevitably leads to wealth and success, a concept strengthened in recent years by the increasing prominence of Middle East oil barons. Though still used literally to describe the locating of underground oil, strike oil is commonly applied figuratively in contexts directly or indirectly related to money or other personal good fortune.

He has certainly “struck oil” in the Costa Rica and Honduras loans. {Punch, March 6, 1875)

turn up trumps To turn out successfully, to come out better than expected, to turn out well or fine; to be lucky, to land on one’s feet.

Instances … of short courtships and speedy marriages, which have turned up trumps—I beg your pardon—which have turned out well, after all. (Wilkie Collins, No Name, 1862)

The allusion is to drawing or playing a winning trump card. See trump card, PLOY.

with flying colors Victoriously, triumphantly, successfully; handily, easily; superbly, in extraordinary fashion. This phrase, usually in expressions such as come off with flying colors and come out of it with flying colors, alludes to a triumphant fleet of ships sailing into home port with their colors (i.e., flags) proudly displayed on the mastheads. Used figuratively, with flying colors often implies that one has not only survived a potentially precarious predicament but has been victorious to boot.

Noun1.success - an event that accomplishes its intended purposesuccess - an event that accomplishes its intended purpose; "let's call heads a success and tails a failure"; "the election was a remarkable success for the Whigs"happening, natural event, occurrence, occurrent - an event that happensbarnburner - an impressively successful event; "the rock concert was a real barnburner"Godspeed - a successful journey; "they wished him Godspeed"triumph, victory - a successful ending of a struggle or contest; "a narrow victory"; "the general always gets credit for his army's victory"; "clinched a victory"; "convincing victory"; "the agreement was a triumph for common sense"bite - (angling) an instance of a fish taking the bait; "after fishing for an hour he still had not had a bite"failure - an event that does not accomplish its intended purpose; "the surprise party was a complete failure"
2.success - an attainment that is successful; "his success in the marathon was unexpected"; "his new play was a great success"attainment - the act of achieving an aim; "the attainment of independence"winning - succeeding with great difficulty; "winning is not everything"hit, smasher, smash, bang, strike - a conspicuous success; "that song was his first hit and marked the beginning of his career"; "that new Broadway show is a real smasher"; "the party went with a bang"home run, bell ringer, bull's eye, mark - something that exactly succeeds in achieving its goal; "the new advertising campaign was a bell ringer"; "scored a bull's eye"; "hit the mark"; "the president's speech was a home run"conquest - success in mastering something difficult; "the conquest of space"coup - a brilliant and notable successflying colors, flying colours - complete success; "they passed inspection with flying colors"qualifying, passing, pass - success in satisfying a test or requirement; "his future depended on his passing that test"; "he got a pass in introductory chemistry"overturn, upset - an improbable and unexpected victory; "the biggest upset since David beat Goliath"seduction, conquest - an act of winning the love or sexual favor of someonescore - the act of scoring in a game or sport; "the winning score came with less than a minute left to play"solution - the successful action of solving a problem; "the solution took three hours"
3.success - a state of prosperity or fame; "he is enjoying great success"; "he does not consider wealth synonymous with success"successfulness, prosperity - the condition of prospering; having good fortunebig time - the highest level of an occupation (especially in entertainment)pay dirt - a profitable success; "the inventor worked for years before hitting pay dirt"failure - lack of success; "he felt that his entire life had been a failure"; "that year there was a crop failure"
4.success - a person with a record of successessuccess - a person with a record of successes; "his son would never be the achiever that his father was"; "only winners need apply"; "if you want to be a success you have to dress like a success"achiever, succeeder, winnerindividual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"first lady - the leading woman in an art or professiongreat - a person who has achieved distinction and honor in some field; "he is one of the greats of American music"highflier, highflyer - a person of great ability and ambitionnatural - someone regarded as certain to succeed; "he's a natural for the job"sleeper - an unexpected achiever of success; "the winner was a true sleeper--no one expected him to get it"


noun1. victory, triumph, positive result, favourable outcome, successfulness the success of European business in building a stronger partnership
victory failure, collapse, disaster, misfortune, downfall
2. prosperity, riches, fortune, luck, wealth, fame, eminence, ascendancy, affluence, opulence Nearly all of them believed work was the key to success.3. hit (informal), winner, smash (informal), triumph, belter (slang), sensation, sell-out, wow (slang), best seller, market leader, smash hit (informal), box office success We hope it will be a commercial success.
hit flop (informal), fiasco, washout, clunker (informal), dead duck (slang)
4. big name, star, hit (informal), somebody, celebrity, sensation, megastar (informal), V.I.P. Everyone who knows her says she will be a great success.
big name nobody, loser, no-hoper, non-person, saddo (Brit. slang)Quotations
"Eighty percent of success is showing up" [Woody Allen]
"It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail" [Gore Vidal]
"Failure is inevitable. Success is elusive" [Steven Spielberg]
"Getting on is the opium of the middle classes" [Walter James]
"To succeed in the world we must look foolish but be wise" [C.L. de Montesquieu Pensées]
"Success has ruin'd many a man" [Benjamin Franklin Poor Richard's Almanack]
"The secret of business success is honesty and sincerity. If you can fake those, you've got it made" [attributed to Groucho Marx]
"If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut" [Albert Einstein]
"Success is relative;"
"It is what we can make of the mess we have made of things" [T.S. Eliot The Family Reunion]
"success: the one unpardonable sin against one's fellows" [Ambrose Bierce The Devil's Dictionary]
"Be nice to people on your way up because you'll meet 'em on your way down" [Wilson Mizner]
"Nothing succeeds like success"
"There is always room at the top"


nounThe achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted:arrival, successfulness.


(səkˈsiːd) verb1. to manage to do what one is trying to do; to achieve one's aim or purpose. He succeeded in persuading her to do it; He's happy to have succeeded in his chosen career; She tried three times to pass her driving-test, and at last succeeded; Our new teaching methods seem to be succeeding. 成功 成功2. to follow next in order, and take the place of someone or something else. He succeeded his father as manager of the firm / as king; The cold summer was succeeded by a stormy autumn; If the duke has no children, who will succeed to (= inherit) his property? 接替或繼承 接替或继承success (səkˈses) noun1. (the prosperity gained by) the achievement of an aim or purpose. He has achieved great success as an actor / in his career. 成就 成就2. a person or thing that succeeds or prospers. She's a great success as a teacher. 成功者 成功者sucˈcessful (-ˈses-) adjective (negative unsuccessful) having success. Were you successful in finding a new house?; The successful applicant for this job will be required to start work next month; a successful career. 成功的 成功的sucˈcessfully adverb 成功地 成功地succession (səkˈseʃən) noun1. the right of succeeding to a throne as king, to a title etc. The Princess is fifth in (order of) succession (to the throne). 繼承(權) 继承(权) 2. a number of things following after one another. a succession of bad harvests. 連續 连续3. the act or process of following and taking the place of someone or something else. his succession to the throne. 繼任 继任successive (səkˈsesiv) adjective following one after the other. He won three successive matches. 連續的 连续的sucˈcessively (-ˈsesiv-) adverb 連續地 连续地sucˈcessor (-ˈse-) noun a person who follows, and take the place of another. Who will be appointed as the manager's successor? 繼承者 继承者in succession one after another. five wet days in succession. 接連地 接连地




at the summit of (one's) success

At the highest possible degree of success at a given point in time; in the most prosperous, prodigious, or prestigious position that can be achieved. The actress, who is at the summit of her success at the moment, is hoping to get involved in other fields of interest. The business is at the summit of success, supplying nearly every industrialized country at the moment.See also: of, success

be a howling success

To be extremely or triumphantly successful. For having such a limited budget, their play turned out to be a howling success. My business was a howling success in the 1980s and '90s, but the advent of the Internet rendered my services obsolete.See also: howling, success

be a roaring success

To be extremely or triumphantly successful. For having such a limited budget, their play turned out to be a roaring success. My business was a roaring success in the 1980s and '90s, but the advent of the Internet rendered my services obsolete.See also: roaring, success

fail of success

To not reach a goal or accomplishment. I know you worked hard on the fundraiser, so I'm really sorry to hear that you failed of success. After not making the team last year, I'm really hoping I don't fail of success this time around.See also: fail, of, success

success depends on your backbone, not your wishbone

Success is achieved through dedication and effort, not hopes and dreams or wishful thinking. You need to work on your writing every single day if you really want to be a famous author because success depends on your backbone, not your wishbone.See also: depend, not, on, success

success has many fathers, failure is an orphan

People are quick to associate themselves with successful ventures and distance themselves from failures. A: "All the people who were so excited about this project in the beginning now act like they've never even heard of it." B: "Well, success has many fathers, failure is an orphan."See also: failure, many, success

dress for success

To dress nicely, in the hope of inviting success in a particular area. I dressed for success in a suit and tie, but I don't think the recruiter was very impressed with me.See also: dress, success

What price (something)?

A question indicating one's doubt that an achievement is or was worth the cost in terms of the problems it has led to or the sacrifices that it required. Most commonly seen in the phrase "What price fame?" When you have to have a security detail just to go to the grocery store, you have to ask: What price fame? What price wealth, when you sell out everything you believe in along the way?See also: price, what

nothing succeeds like success

Initial success provides the resources and fosters the circumstances for further success. After their surprise championship victory, the team was suddenly flooded with support from the state and went on to become a powerhouse in the region. Nothing succeeds like success, as they say.See also: like, nothing, succeed, success

the sweet smell of success

The euphoric feeling of being successful or victorious. We had the sweet smell of success in our nostrils, until a last-minute penalty snatched the victory from our fingertips. It seems like they've let the sweet smell of success cloud their judgment, as this latest business ventures is one of the most baffling in their entire history.See also: of, smell, success, sweet

a recipe for (something)

Something, especially an activity, behavior, or method of doing something, that is very likely to cause the specified outcome. Studying all night and getting no sleep before your final exam is a recipe for disaster. Eating healthy food and exercising regularly is a recipe for longevity. My recipe for success is to keep a healthy balance between work, family life, and socializing with my friends.See also: recipe

spell (something) for (someone or something)

1. Literally, to write or recite the letters in a word or name to help someone learn or understand it. I usually have to spell my name out for people because it's so unusual. I'm not sure I've heard that term before. Could you spell it for me?2. To indicate, contribute to, or display signs of some outcome or status for a person, group, organization, country, etc. The sudden shortage of precious metals necessary to manufacture the computer chips spelled disaster for the fledgling tech company. The government is hoping that a massive reinvestment in the city's infrastructure will spell success for its economy.See also: spell

key to success

Fig. the secret to someone's success. Bob said that the key to his success is working hard, being on time, and being extremely lucky.See also: key, success

Nothing succeeds like success.

Prov. If you have succeeded in the past, you will continue to be successful in the future. After Alan's brilliant courtroom victory, everyone wanted to be his client. Nothing succeeds like success.See also: like, nothing, succeed, success

howling success

A tremendous triumph, as in Their first play was a howling success. This colloquial expression employs howling in the sense of "very pronounced" or "glaring," a usage dating from the mid-1800s. See also: howling, success

nothing succeeds like success

success leads to opportunities for further and greater successes. proverbSee also: like, nothing, succeed, success

a recipe for diˈsaster, sucˈcess, etc.

a method or an idea that seems likely to have a particular result: That idea sounds like a recipe for disaster.What’s her recipe for success?See also: recipe

a ˌroaring sucˈcess

(informal) a very great success: The band was such a roaring success that they have been asked to stay for an extra week.His movies haven’t exactly been a roaring success, have they?See also: roaring, success

nothing sucˌceeds like sucˈcess

(saying) success encourages you and often leads to more success: The first task the students do should be one they are likely to do well. This is because nothing succeeds like success.See also: like, nothing, succeed, success

the sweet smell of sucˈcess

(informal) the pleasant feeling of being successfulSee also: of, smell, success, sweet



Alger, Horatio(1834–1899) writer of boys’ stories where young men are instantly rewarded for honesty, perseverance, etc. [Am. Hist.: Hart, 19]Browndock, Miss“made her fortune in no time at all.” [Br. Lit.: Nicholas Nickleby]McVey, Hughfrom poor white to leading manufacturer. [Am. Lit.: Poor White, Magill I, 762–764]O Pioneers!realistic success story of those who fathered nation. [Am. Lit.: 0 Pioneers!, Magill I, 663–665]Porter, Sir Josephbecame First Lord of the Admiralty by sticking to desk jobs and never going to sea. [Br. Opera: Gilbert and Sullivan H.M.S. Pinafore]Ragged Dickhero of Alger’s rags-to-riches epic. [Am. Lit.: Van Doren, 807]white cloudindicates high achievement. [Western Folklore: Jobes, 350]wolfsymbol of success on coats of arms. [Heraldry: Halberts, 16]


SUCCESSUnited Chinese Community Enrichment Services Society (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
SUCCESSSuccessive Celecoxib Efficacy and Safety Study
SUCCESSStudents Undertaking College Career Enhancing Study Skills
SUCCESSSynthesized UHF Computer Controlled Equipment Subsystem
SUCCESSStudent Utilization of Computers in Curriculum for the Enhancement of Scholastic Skills
SUCCESSSubsonic Aircraft: Contrail & Cloud Effects Special Study



  • noun

Synonyms for success

noun victory


  • victory
  • triumph
  • positive result
  • favourable outcome
  • successfulness


  • failure
  • collapse
  • disaster
  • misfortune
  • downfall

noun prosperity


  • prosperity
  • riches
  • fortune
  • luck
  • wealth
  • fame
  • eminence
  • ascendancy
  • affluence
  • opulence

noun hit


  • hit
  • winner
  • smash
  • triumph
  • belter
  • sensation
  • sell-out
  • wow
  • best seller
  • market leader
  • smash hit
  • box office success


  • flop
  • fiasco
  • washout
  • clunker
  • dead duck

noun big name


  • big name
  • star
  • hit
  • somebody
  • celebrity
  • sensation
  • megastar
  • V.I.P.


  • nobody
  • loser
  • no-hoper
  • non-person
  • saddo

Synonyms for success

noun the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted


  • arrival
  • successfulness

Synonyms for success

noun an event that accomplishes its intended purpose

Related Words

  • happening
  • natural event
  • occurrence
  • occurrent
  • barnburner
  • Godspeed
  • triumph
  • victory
  • bite


  • failure

noun an attainment that is successful

Related Words

  • attainment
  • winning
  • hit
  • smasher
  • smash
  • bang
  • strike
  • home run
  • bell ringer
  • bull's eye
  • mark
  • conquest
  • coup
  • flying colors
  • flying colours
  • qualifying
  • passing
  • pass
  • overturn
  • upset
  • seduction
  • score
  • solution

noun a state of prosperity or fame

Related Words

  • successfulness
  • prosperity
  • big time
  • pay dirt


  • failure

noun a person with a record of successes


  • achiever
  • succeeder
  • winner

Related Words

  • individual
  • mortal
  • person
  • somebody
  • someone
  • soul
  • first lady
  • great
  • highflier
  • highflyer
  • natural
  • sleeper




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