

单词 past



no longer current: the account is past due; formerly: a past president
Not to be confused with:passed – gone beyond; happened: and so it passed; moved on; died: The old man has passed on.


P0101300 (păst)adj.1. No longer current; gone by; over: His youth is past.2. Having existed or occurred in an earlier time; bygone: past events; in years past.3. a. Earlier than the present time; ago: 40 years past.b. Just gone by or elapsed: in the past few days.4. Having served formerly in a given capacity, especially an official one: a past president; a past inmate of a cell.5. Grammar Of, relating to, or being a verb tense or form used to express an action or condition prior to the time it is expressed.n.1. The time before the present.2. a. Previous background, career, experiences, and activities: an elderly person with a distinguished past.b. A former period of someone's life kept secret or thought to be shameful: a family with a checkered past.3. Grammar a. The past tense.b. A verb form in the past tense.adv. So as to pass by or go beyond: He waved as he walked past.prep.1. Beyond in time; later than or after: past midnight; a quarter past two.2. Beyond in position; farther than: The house is a mile past the first stoplight. They walked past the memorial in silence.3. a. Beyond the power, scope, extent, or influence of: The problem is past the point of resolution.b. Beyond in development or appropriateness: The child is past drinking from a bottle. You're past sucking your thumb, so don't do it.4. Beyond the number or amount of: The child couldn't count past 20. See Usage Note at pass.
[Middle English, from past participle of passen, to pass; see pass.]
past′ness n.


(pɑːst) adj1. completed, finished, and no longer in existence: past happiness. 2. denoting or belonging to all or a segment of the time that has elapsed at the present moment: the past history of the world. 3. denoting a specific unit of time that immediately precedes the present one: the past month. 4. (prenominal) denoting a person who has held and relinquished an office or position; former: a past president. 5. (Grammar) grammar denoting any of various tenses of verbs that are used in describing actions, events, or states that have been begun or completed at the time of utterance. Compare aorist, imperfect4, perfect8n6. the past the period of time or a segment of it that has elapsed: forget the past. 7. the history, experience, or background of a nation, person, etc: a soldier with a distinguished past. 8. an earlier period of someone's life, esp one that contains events kept secret or regarded as disreputable9. (Grammar) grammar a. a past tenseb. a verb in a past tenseadv10. at a specified or unspecified time before the present; ago: three years past. 11. on or onwards: I greeted him but he just walked past. prep12. beyond in time: it's past midnight. 13. beyond in place or position: the library is past the church. 14. moving beyond; in a direction that passes: he walked past me. 15. beyond or above the reach, limit, or scope of: his foolishness is past comprehension. 16. beyond or above in number or amount: to count past ten. 17. past it informal unable to perform the tasks one could do when one was younger18. not put it past someone to consider someone capable of (the action specified)[C14: from passed, past participle of pass]Usage: The past participle of pass is sometimes wrongly spelt past: the time for recriminations has passed (not past)


(pæst, pɑst)

adj. 1. gone by or elapsed in time: The bad times are past now. 2. of, having existed in, or having occurred during a previous time; bygone: past glories. 3. gone by just before the present time; just passed: the past year. 4. ago: six days past. 5. having formerly been or served as; previous; earlier: past presidents. 6. of, pertaining to, or being a verb tense or form referring to events or states in times gone by. n. 7. the time gone by: far back in the past. 8. the history of a person, nation, etc.: a glorious past. 9. what has existed or happened at some earlier time: to learn from the past. 10. an earlier period of a person's life, career, etc., that is characterized by imprudent or immoral conduct. 11. a. the past tense. b. a form in the past tense, as looked or ate. adv. 12. so as to pass by or beyond; by: The troops marched past. prep. 13. beyond in time; later than; after: past noon. 14. beyond in space or position; farther on than: the house just past the church. 15. in a direction so as to pass by or go beyond: We went past the house by mistake. 16. beyond in amount, number, etc.; over: past the maximum age. 17. beyond the reach, scope, influence, or power of: past hope. [1250–1300; Middle English; variant sp. of passed, past participle of pass]


See also antiquity; future; history; memory; origins.
aboriginalitythe condition of being first in a place and of having a relatively simple nature. — aboriginal, n., adj.antediluvianismadherence to or fondness for ancient things or customs. — antediluvian, n., adj.antiquarianisminterest in the culture of antiquity, especially that of classical Greece and Rome. — antiquary, antiquarian, n.antiquarian, adj.archaeolatrydevotion to archaism. — archaeolater, n.archaeolatrous, adj.archaisman inclination toward old-fashioned things, speech, etc. Also archaicism.archaist, n.archaic, adj.chronographera person who records time or the events that have occurred in time.chronographyObsolete, the recording or study of past events.medievalismstrong fondness or admiration for the culture, mores, etc, of the Middle Ages. — medievalist, n.medievalistic, adj.paleology, palaeologythe study of antiquities. — paleologist, palaeologist, n.paleologic, palaeologic, paleological, palaeological, adj.paleopathology, palaeopathologyMedicine. the study of diseases from former times as found in fossils and mummified remains.paletiology, palaetiologyan explanation of events of the past through the laws of causation. — paletiologist, palaetiologist, n.paletiological, palaetiological, adj.papyrologythe study of papyrus manuscripts. — papyrologist, n.papyrological, adj.philarchaistObsolete, one devoted to the archaic. — philarchaic, adj.


Past can be a noun or adjective referring to a period of time before the present.

He never discussed his past.I've spent most of the past eight years looking after children.1. telling the time

In British English, when you are telling the time, you use past to say how many minutes it is after a particular hour.

It's ten past five.I slept until quarter past ten.

American speakers also say after.

It's ten after five.I arrived around a quarter after twelve.
2. going near something

Past is also used as a preposition or adverb to say that someone goes near something when they are moving in a particular direction.

He walked past the school.People ran past laughing.
3. 'passed'

Don't use 'past' as the past tense or -ed participle of the verb pass. Use passed.

As she passed the library door, the telephone began to ring.A new law was passed by Parliament.
Noun1.past - the time that has elapsedpast - the time that has elapsed; "forget the past"past times, yesteryeartime - the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the pastyore - time long pastbygone, water under the bridge - past events to be put aside; "let bygones be bygones"old - past times (especially in the phrase `in days of old')history - the aggregate of past events; "a critical time in the school's history"time immemorial, time out of mind - the distant past beyond memoryauld langsyne, good old days, langsyne, old times - past times remembered with nostalgiayesterday - the recent past; "yesterday's solutions are not good enough"; "we shared many yesterdays"future, futurity, time to come, hereafter - the time yet to come
2.past - a earlier period in someone's life (especially one that they have reason to keep secret); "reporters dug into the candidate's past"period, period of time, time period - an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery"; "Picasso's blue period"life - the period between birth and the present time; "I have known him all his life"
3.past - a verb tense that expresses actions or states in the pastpast tensetense - a grammatical category of verbs used to express distinctions of timepreterit, preterite - a term formerly used to refer to the simple past tense
Adj.1.past - earlier than the present time; no longer current; "time past"; "his youth is past"; "this past Thursday"; "the past year"noncurrent - not current or belonging to the present timeoutgoing - leaving a place or a position; "an outgoing steamship"old - of long duration; not new; "old tradition"; "old house"; "old wine"; "old country"; "old friendships"; "old money"future - yet to be or coming; "some future historian will evaluate him"present - temporal sense; intermediate between past and future; now existing or happening or in consideration; "the present leader"; "articles for present use"; "the present topic"; "the present system"; "present observations"
2.past - of a person who has held and relinquished a position or office; "a retiring member of the board"preceding, retiringoutgoing - leaving a place or a position; "an outgoing steamship"
Adv.1.past - so as to pass a given point; "every hour a train goes past"by


noun1. former times, history, long ago, antiquity, the good old days, yesteryear (literary), times past, the old times, days gone by, the olden days, days of yore In the past, things were very different.
former times now, today, future, present, tomorrow, time to come
2. background, life, experience, history, past life, life story, career to date shocking revelations about his past
adjective1. former, late, early, recent, previous, ancient, prior, long-ago, preceding, foregoing, erstwhile, bygone, olden a return to the turbulence of past centuries
former coming, future, present, arrived
2. previous, former, one-time, sometime, erstwhile, quondam, ex- I was still longing for my past lover3. last, recent, previous, preceding the events of the past few days4. over, done, ended, spent, finished, completed, gone, forgotten, accomplished, extinct, elapsed, over and done with The great age of exploration is past.
preposition1. after, beyond, later than, over, outside, farther than, in excess of, subsequent to It's well past your bedtime.2. by, across, in front of She dashed past me and ran out of the room.adverb1. on, by, along The ambulance drove past.be past it be past its or your sell-by date, be on the way out, have seen better days We could do with a new car - the one we have now is a bit past it.Quotations
"The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there" [L.P. Hartley The Go-Between]
"The past is the only dead thing that smells sweet" [Edward Thomas Early One Morning]
"As all historians know, the past is a great darkness, and filled with echoes" [Margaret Atwood The Handmaid's Tale]
"The past is never dead, it is not even past" [William Faulkner]
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" [George Santayana The Life of Reason]
Usage: The past participle of pass is sometimes wrongly spelt past: the time for recrimination has passed (not past).


adjective1. Just gone by or elapsed:antecedent, anterior, earlier, foregoing, former, precedent, preceding, previous, prior.2. Having been such previously:erstwhile, former, late, old, once, onetime, previous, quondam, sometime, whilom.noun1. Past events surrounding a person or thing:background, history.2. A former period of time or of one's life:yesterday, yesteryear, yore.Idioms: bygone days, days gone by, the good old days, the old days.


(paːst) adjective1. just finished. the past year. 過去的 过去的2. over, finished or ended, of an earlier time than the present. The time for discussion is past. 完成 完成3. (of the tense of a verb) indicating action in the past. In `He did it', the verb is in the past tense. 過去[時]的 过去式的 preposition1. up to and beyond; by. He ran past me. 越過 越过2. after. It's past six o'clock. 在...之後,過 在...之后,过 adverb up to and beyond (a particular place, person etc). The soldiers marched past. 过,经过 noun1. a person's earlier life or career, especially if secret or not respectable. He never spoke about his past. 往事 往事2. the past tense. a verb in the past. 過去時 过去式the past the time which was before the present. In the past, houses were built of wood or stone. 昔日 昔日
see also passed.


在…另一侧zhCN, 越过zhCN, 过去zhCN, 过去的zhCN
  • It's two-thirty (US)
    It's half past two (UK) → 两点半了
  • It's a quarter past two (US)
    It's quarter past two (UK) → 两点一刻了
  • It's ten after two (US)
    It's ten past two (UK) → 两点十分了
  • It's almost two-thirty (US)
    It's almost half past two (UK) → 快两点半了
  • I'd like to make a reservation for seven-thirty for two people (US)
    I'd like to make a reservation for half past seven for two people (UK) → 我想预订今晚七点半的两人餐桌


  • (way) past caring
  • a blast from the past
  • a mill cannot grind with water that is past
  • a past master
  • a thing of the past
  • be a thing of the past
  • be beyond caring
  • be beyond/past caring
  • be first past the post
  • be past
  • be past (someone's or something's) best
  • be past caring
  • be past it
  • be past its sell-by date
  • be past the/(one's) sell-by date
  • be past your/its best
  • be/look past it
  • beyond question
  • brush by
  • can't see beyond the end of (one's) nose
  • can't see past the end of (one's) nose
  • file past
  • file past (someone or something)
  • first past the post
  • fly past
  • fly past (someone or something)
  • get past
  • get past (someone or something)
  • go past
  • I wouldn't put it past (someone)
  • I wouldn't put it past somebody
  • in times past
  • let (one) get past
  • let (one) go past
  • let (one) past
  • let past
  • live in
  • live in the past
  • look past
  • march past
  • mill cannot grind with water that is past
  • not put (something) past (one)
  • not put it past
  • not put it past (someone)
  • not put it past someone
  • not put something past someone
  • not see beyond/past the end of your nose
  • past (someone's or something's) prime
  • past caring
  • past cure
  • past history
  • past it
  • past master
  • past one's prime
  • past prime
  • push past
  • put (something) past (someone)
  • put one past (someone)
  • put past
  • quarter past (a given hour in time)
  • rake over the ashes/the past
  • run (something) past (one)
  • run past
  • run something past someone
  • shady past
  • slip past
  • slip past (someone or something)
  • smuggle (someone or something) past (someone or something)
  • smuggle past
  • sneak the sunrise past a rooster
  • the (dim and) distant past
  • The age of miracles is past
  • the distant past
  • the not-so-distant past
  • the not-too-distant past
  • thing of the past
  • thunder past
  • whiz past
  • word spoken is past recalling
  • wouldn't put it past someone
  • zip past
  • zoom past



[′past] (relativity) For an event in space-time, all events from which a signal could be emitted that could reach the event in question by traveling at speeds less than or equal to the speed of light.


PASTPioneer America Society Transactions (publications)
PASTPhysical Ability and Stamina Test
PASTProjection Approximation Subspace Tracking
PASTPhased Array Systems and Technology (Conference)
PASTProgressively Adaptive Sub-Tree
PASTAssociation to Preserve African American Society, History, and Tradition, Inc
PASTPaleo-Anthropology Scientific Trust (South Africa)
PASTParakeet Autism Syndrome
PASTProfesseur Associé à Service Temporaire (French: Associate Professor Temporary Duty)
PASTPerturbation Approximate Sensitivity Technique
PASTPilot Activated Self Test (avionics)


Related to past: past perfect, Past life
  • all
  • noun
  • adj
  • prep
  • adv
  • phrase

Synonyms for past

noun former times


  • former times
  • history
  • long ago
  • antiquity
  • the good old days
  • yesteryear
  • times past
  • the old times
  • days gone by
  • the olden days
  • days of yore


  • now
  • today
  • future
  • present
  • tomorrow
  • time to come

noun background


  • background
  • life
  • experience
  • history
  • past life
  • life story
  • career to date

adj former


  • former
  • late
  • early
  • recent
  • previous
  • ancient
  • prior
  • long-ago
  • preceding
  • foregoing
  • erstwhile
  • bygone
  • olden


  • coming
  • future
  • present
  • arrived

adj previous


  • previous
  • former
  • one-time
  • sometime
  • erstwhile
  • quondam
  • ex-

adj last


  • last
  • recent
  • previous
  • preceding

adj over


  • over
  • done
  • ended
  • spent
  • finished
  • completed
  • gone
  • forgotten
  • accomplished
  • extinct
  • elapsed
  • over and done with

prep after


  • after
  • beyond
  • later than
  • over
  • outside
  • farther than
  • in excess of
  • subsequent to

prep by


  • by
  • across
  • in front of

adv on


  • on
  • by
  • along

phrase be past it


  • be past its or your sell-by date
  • be on the way out
  • have seen better days

Synonyms for past

adj just gone by or elapsed


  • antecedent
  • anterior
  • earlier
  • foregoing
  • former
  • precedent
  • preceding
  • previous
  • prior

adj having been such previously


  • erstwhile
  • former
  • late
  • old
  • once
  • onetime
  • previous
  • quondam
  • sometime
  • whilom

noun past events surrounding a person or thing


  • background
  • history

noun a former period of time or of one's life


  • yesterday
  • yesteryear
  • yore

Synonyms for past

noun the time that has elapsed


  • past times
  • yesteryear

Related Words

  • time
  • yore
  • bygone
  • water under the bridge
  • old
  • history
  • time immemorial
  • time out of mind
  • auld langsyne
  • good old days
  • langsyne
  • old times
  • yesterday


  • future
  • futurity
  • time to come
  • hereafter

noun a earlier period in someone's life (especially one that they have reason to keep secret)

Related Words

  • period
  • period of time
  • time period
  • life

noun a verb tense that expresses actions or states in the past


  • past tense

Related Words

  • tense
  • preterit
  • preterite

adj earlier than the present time

Related Words

  • noncurrent
  • outgoing
  • old


  • future
  • present

adj of a person who has held and relinquished a position or office


  • preceding
  • retiring

Related Words

  • outgoing

adv so as to pass a given point


  • by




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