Acronym | Definition |
JOA➣Journal of Arthroplasty (Journal of the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons) |
JOA➣Joint Operating Agreement |
JOA➣Joan of Arc |
JOA➣Joint Operations Area |
JOA➣Jackson Oncology Associates (Jackson, MS) |
JOA➣Journal of Algebra (Elsevier) |
JOA➣Journal of Accountancy (AICPA publication) |
JOA➣Joint Operational Area (US DoD) |
JOA➣Joint Operating Area |
JOA➣Japan Outdoor Adventures (Takasaki, Japan) |
JOA➣Japan Ozone Association |
JOA➣Japan Ostomy Association (urology) |
JOA➣Japan Othello Association |
JOA➣Joint Ownership Agreement (various companies) |
JOA➣Joint Operational Architecture |
JOA➣Japan Orienteering Association |
JOA➣Japan Oyster Association |
JOA➣Jeune Orchestre Atlantique |
JOA➣Joan of Arse (band) |
JOA➣Java OceanAtlas (software; Oracle Corporation) |
JOA➣Judgement of Acquittal (law) |
JOA➣Joint Occupancy Agreement |
JOA➣Joint Objective Area |
JOA➣Jog Off Automatic (electric motors) |