Passalurus Ambiguus Infestation
Passalurus Ambiguus Infestation
a chronic helminthiasis of rabbits and hares that is caused by the nematode Passalurus ambiguus, which parasitizes the large intestine. The infestation occurs throughout the world and is especially common on rabbit farms. The pinworms that infest rabbits are small nematodes 3.8–12 mm in size with spindle-shaped bodies; they are transferred through feed and water. Most susceptible are young rabbits three to seven months old. Infested rabbits are retarded in growth and development, are unable to be fattened, and yield a low-quality hide.
Piperazine and phenothiazine are used in the treatment of Passalurus ambiguus infestation. The disease is prevented with maintenance of a complete diet and with periodic cleaning and disinfection of premises, supplies, and implements used in the care of animals. Planned deworming should be carried out, and the animals should be kept in cages with wire-mesh floors.