Elschnig, Anton


Anton, German ophthalmologist, 1863-1939. Elschnig blepharorrhaphyElschnig bodiesElschnig canthorrhaphyElschnig capsular forcepsElschnig cataract knifeElschnig corneal knifeElschnig cyclodialysis spatulaElschnig extrusion needleElschnig eye spoonElschnig iridectomyElschnig lens scoopElschnig lid retractorElschnig pearls - the proliferated anterior capsule of the lens of the eye after surgical capsulotomy or injury.Elschnig pterygium knifeElschnig refractorElschnig spots - isolated choroidal bright yellow or red spots with black pigment flecks at their borders, seen by ophthalmoscope in advanced hypertensive retinopathy.Elschnig syndrome - ocular deformities often associated with cleft palate.Elschnig trephineKoerber-Salus-Elschnig syndrome - Synonym(s): Parinaud I syndrome