Rossby number

Rossby number

(ross -bee) Symbol: R 0. The ratio of the rotation period P to the turnover time τc of a convective cell in a star's interior or a planetary atmosphere; τc is the time required for hot gas to rise from the bottom to the top of a convective cell and then fall back as it cools. The Rossby number is a measure of the efficiency of a star's dynamo (which ‘drives' its activity), smaller values of R 0 indicating a greater influence of rotation upon convection, and therefore higher activity, irrespective of the surface temperature of the star.

Rossby number

[′rȯs·bē ‚nəm·bər] (fluid mechanics) The nondimensional ratio of the inertial force to the Coriolis force for a given flow of a rotating fluid, given as R0= U/fL, where U is a characteristic velocity, f the Coriolis parameter (or, if the system is cylindrical rather than spherical, twice the system's rotation rate), and L a characteristic length.