释义 |
substantia [sub-stan´she-ah] (L.) substance; used in anatomic nomenclature in naming various components of body tissues or structures.substantia al´ba white matter.substantia gelatino´sa the substance sheathing the posterior horn of the spinal cord and lining its central canal.substantia gri´sea gray matter.substantia ni´gra a dark layer of gray matter separating the tegmentum of the midbrain from the crus cerebri.sub·stance (sŭb'stănts), Material. Synonym(s): substantia [TA], matter [L. substantia, essence, material, fr. sub- sto, to stand under, be present] sub·stance (sŭb'stăns) Material. Synonym(s): substantia [TA] , matter. [L. substantia, essence, material, fr. sub-sto, to stand under, be present]LegalSeeSubstance |