Acronym | Definition |
APH➣American Printing House for the Blind, Inc. |
APH➣Australian Parliament House (Australia) |
APH➣Airport Parking and Hotels (UK) |
APH➣Actual Production History |
APH➣Asia Pacific Holdings (various organizations) |
APH➣Axis Powers Hetalia (manga) |
APH➣Aphasia |
APH➣Acyl Peptide Hydrolase (protein) |
APH➣Association of Personal Historians |
APH➣Advanced Practice Pharmacist (California) |
APH➣Antepartum Hemorrhage |
APH➣Asbestos, Pollution and Health Hazard (legal claims) |
APH➣Air Pre-Heater |
APH➣Arnold Palmer Hospital (Orlando, FL) |
APH➣Advanced Practitioner of Homeopathy (certification) |
APH➣Arabian Park Hotel (United Arab Emirates) |
APH➣Associação Paulista de Homeopatia (São Paulo, Brazil) |
APH➣Applied Public Health (various organizations) |
APH➣Asociación Pediatrica Hondureña (Spanish: Honduran Pediatric Association) |
APH➣Hospital Transport (naval ship type) |
APH➣Acute Partial Hospitalization (psychiatry) |
APH➣Accounting Procedures Handbook |
APH➣Cabinet Appointments and Honours Committee (Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet; New Zealand) |
APH➣Adiabatically Adjusting, Principal Axis, Hyperspherical Coordinates |
APH➣Association Promotion Hockey (France) |
APH➣Association des Plaisanciers de Hérel (French boating association) |
APH➣Aviator's Protective Helmet |
APH➣Ambrose Powell Hill (Army Base, Bowling Green, Virginia) |
APH➣A Pleasurable Headache (Matthew Good Band community) |
APH➣Aloha Peace House (Honolulu, HI) |
APH➣Association de Prêt d'Honneur du Département de Côte d'Or (French loan association) |