Acronym | Definition |
SEM➣Search Engine Marketing |
SEM➣SEO (Search Engine Optimization) E-Marketing |
SEM➣Search-Engine Marketing |
SEM➣Scanning Electron Microscope |
SEM➣Scanning Electron Microscopy |
SEM➣Structural Equation Modeling |
SEM➣Strategic Enterprise Management |
SEM➣Safety and Environmental Management (various organizations) |
SEM➣Seminary |
SEM➣Slovenski Etnografski Muzej (Slovenian: Slovenian Ethnographic Museum) |
SEM➣Standard Error of Mean |
SEM➣Search Engine Management |
SEM➣Space Environment Monitor |
SEM➣Semitic |
SEM➣Structural Engineering and Mechanics (journal; Techno Press) |
SEM➣Samuel Eliot Morison (historian) |
SEM➣Strategic Enrollment Management |
SEM➣Specific Equipment Model |
SEM➣Submissions on Enforcement Matters (Commission for Environmental Cooperation) |
SEM➣Scuola Estetica Moderna (Italian: Modern Beauty School) |
SEM➣Société d'Économie Mixte (French: Mixed Enterprise Company) |
SEM➣Simultaneous Equation Model |
SEM➣Software Engineering and Middleware |
SEM➣Silver Elite Master (gaming) |
SEM➣Security Event Management |
SEM➣Service Ecoles-Médias (French: Schools Media Service; Switzerland) |
SEM➣Slovene Ethnographic Museum (Slovenia) |
SEM➣Sequential Excavation Method (tunnel engineering) |
SEM➣Society for Ethnomusicology |
SEM➣Social Enterprise Management |
SEM➣Scripture Encoding Model |
SEM➣System Error Message |
SEM➣Server Enterprise Manager |
SEM➣Symantec Event Manager |
SEM➣Scalar Equation Method |
SEM➣SQL Enterprise Manager (Microsoft client for SQL Server) |
SEM➣Schoolwide Enrichment Model |
SEM➣Superior Energy Management |
SEM➣Single Electricity Market (Ireland and UK) |
SEM➣Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc. |
SEM➣School of Economics and Management |
SEM➣Security Engineered Machinery |
SEM➣Semicarbazide |
SEM➣Spectral Element Method |
SEM➣Single Economic Market (various locations) |
SEM➣Spolocenstvo Evanjelickej Mladeze (Slovak religious organization) |
SEM➣Security Event Manager |
SEM➣Standard Error of the Means |
SEM➣Selma-Smithfield (Amtrak station code; Selma-Smithfield, NC) |
SEM➣Systems Engineering Management |
SEM➣Science and Engineering of Materials |
SEM➣systolic ejection murmur (cardiology) |
SEM➣Sports Entertainment Media |
SEM➣Space Experiment Module |
SEM➣Sponsored Educational Materials (public relations) |
SEM➣Schlegel Electronic Materials (various locations) |
SEM➣Saint Etienne Métropole (French: Saint Etienne Metropolis; Loire, France) |
SEM➣Senior Engineering Manager |
SEM➣Saccadic Eye Movement |
SEM➣Strategic Environmental Management |
SEM➣Sports & Entertainment Marketing |
SEM➣Sumika Electronic Materials (Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd.) |
SEM➣Slow Eye Movements |
SEM➣Systems Engineering Manager |
SEM➣Singularity Expansion Method |
SEM➣Sample Exchange Mechanism (US NASA) |
SEM➣Sound and Efficient Management (EU) |
SEM➣Stock Exchange of Mauritius Ltd |
SEM➣Services Execution Management |
SEM➣Subsea Electronics Module |
SEM➣Spacecraft Equipment Module (US NASA) |
SEM➣Structural, Electrical and Mechanical (architectural engineering) |
SEM➣Seattle Emergency Management (Seattle, WA) |
SEM➣Secondary Emission Monitor |
SEM➣System Engineering Methodology |
SEM➣System Engineering Manual |
SEM➣Sensitivity Equation Method |
SEM➣Spherical Earth Model |
SEM➣Standard Extrapolation Method |
SEM➣Single-Ended Mode |
SEM➣Search Engine Master |
SEM➣Skin, Eyes or Mouth (herpes infection) |
SEM➣Solution Engagement Manager (, Inc.) |
SEM➣Sudan Evangelical Mission |
SEM➣Socially and Emotionally Maladjusted |
SEM➣Simulation, Engineering, and Modeling |
SEM➣Site Engineering and Maintenance (Department) |
SEM➣Storm Electrification Model |
SEM➣Standard Equipment Modules |
SEM➣Evangelical Seminary of Madrid |
SEM➣System Engineering and Modeling |
SEM➣Solar Environmental Monitor |
SEM➣Softcopy Exploitation Management |
SEM➣Secteur Extra-Métropolitain (French: Extra-Metropolitan Area; French Social Security) |
SEM➣Station Emulation Mode |
SEM➣Scheduled Event Management (Sprint) |
SEM➣Specification Exception Material |
SEM➣Secure Ethernet Multiplexer |
SEM➣Service Element Management (Sprint) |
SEM➣Survivability Evaluation Methodology |
SEM➣Synthetic Execution Model |
SEM➣Supplier Engineering Memo |
SEM➣Standard Electronic/Equipment Module |
SEM➣Society for Experimental Methods |
SEM➣Synchronization Element Manager (Datum) |