

单词 sem



variant of ShemShem,
in the Bible, eldest son of Noah; presented as the ancestor of the Semites, particularly of the Hebrews and Arabs. An apocalypse called the Paraphrase of Shem was found among the Nag Hammadi codices.
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(electronics) scanning electron microscope


The semantic specification language for COPS.

["Metalanguages of the Compiler Production System COPS",J. Borowiec, in GI Fachgesprach "Compiler-Compiler", edW. Henhapl, Tech Hochs Darmstadt 1978, pp. 122-159].


(Security Event Manager) See SIEM.



Abbreviation for standard error of the mean.


abbr. scanning electron microscope


Abbreviation for standard error of measurement; standard error of the mean.




SEMSearch Engine Marketing
SEMSEO (Search Engine Optimization) E-Marketing
SEMSearch-Engine Marketing
SEMScanning Electron Microscope
SEMScanning Electron Microscopy
SEMStructural Equation Modeling
SEMStrategic Enterprise Management
SEMSafety and Environmental Management (various organizations)
SEMSlovenski Etnografski Muzej (Slovenian: Slovenian Ethnographic Museum)
SEMStandard Error of Mean
SEMSearch Engine Management
SEMSpace Environment Monitor
SEMStructural Engineering and Mechanics (journal; Techno Press)
SEMSamuel Eliot Morison (historian)
SEMStrategic Enrollment Management
SEMSpecific Equipment Model
SEMSubmissions on Enforcement Matters (Commission for Environmental Cooperation)
SEMScuola Estetica Moderna (Italian: Modern Beauty School)
SEMSociété d'Économie Mixte (French: Mixed Enterprise Company)
SEMSimultaneous Equation Model
SEMSoftware Engineering and Middleware
SEMSilver Elite Master (gaming)
SEMSecurity Event Management
SEMService Ecoles-Médias (French: Schools Media Service; Switzerland)
SEMSlovene Ethnographic Museum (Slovenia)
SEMSequential Excavation Method (tunnel engineering)
SEMSociety for Ethnomusicology
SEMSocial Enterprise Management
SEMScripture Encoding Model
SEMSystem Error Message
SEMServer Enterprise Manager
SEMSymantec Event Manager
SEMScalar Equation Method
SEMSQL Enterprise Manager (Microsoft client for SQL Server)
SEMSchoolwide Enrichment Model
SEMSuperior Energy Management
SEMSingle Electricity Market (Ireland and UK)
SEMSociety for Experimental Mechanics, Inc.
SEMSchool of Economics and Management
SEMSecurity Engineered Machinery
SEMSpectral Element Method
SEMSingle Economic Market (various locations)
SEMSpolocenstvo Evanjelickej Mladeze (Slovak religious organization)
SEMSecurity Event Manager
SEMStandard Error of the Means
SEMSelma-Smithfield (Amtrak station code; Selma-Smithfield, NC)
SEMSystems Engineering Management
SEMScience and Engineering of Materials
SEMsystolic ejection murmur (cardiology)
SEMSports Entertainment Media
SEMSpace Experiment Module
SEMSponsored Educational Materials (public relations)
SEMSchlegel Electronic Materials (various locations)
SEMSaint Etienne Métropole (French: Saint Etienne Metropolis; Loire, France)
SEMSenior Engineering Manager
SEMSaccadic Eye Movement
SEMStrategic Environmental Management
SEMSports & Entertainment Marketing
SEMSumika Electronic Materials (Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd.)
SEMSlow Eye Movements
SEMSystems Engineering Manager
SEMSingularity Expansion Method
SEMSample Exchange Mechanism (US NASA)
SEMSound and Efficient Management (EU)
SEMStock Exchange of Mauritius Ltd
SEMServices Execution Management
SEMSubsea Electronics Module
SEMSpacecraft Equipment Module (US NASA)
SEMStructural, Electrical and Mechanical (architectural engineering)
SEMSeattle Emergency Management (Seattle, WA)
SEMSecondary Emission Monitor
SEMSystem Engineering Methodology
SEMSystem Engineering Manual
SEMSensitivity Equation Method
SEMSpherical Earth Model
SEMStandard Extrapolation Method
SEMSingle-Ended Mode
SEMSearch Engine Master
SEMSkin, Eyes or Mouth (herpes infection)
SEMSolution Engagement Manager (Salesforce.com, Inc.)
SEMSudan Evangelical Mission
SEMSocially and Emotionally Maladjusted
SEMSimulation, Engineering, and Modeling
SEMSite Engineering and Maintenance (Department)
SEMStorm Electrification Model
SEMStandard Equipment Modules
SEMEvangelical Seminary of Madrid
SEMSystem Engineering and Modeling
SEMSolar Environmental Monitor
SEMSoftcopy Exploitation Management
SEMSecteur Extra-Métropolitain (French: Extra-Metropolitan Area; French Social Security)
SEMStation Emulation Mode
SEMScheduled Event Management (Sprint)
SEMSpecification Exception Material
SEMSecure Ethernet Multiplexer
SEMService Element Management (Sprint)
SEMSurvivability Evaluation Methodology
SEMSynthetic Execution Model
SEMSupplier Engineering Memo
SEMStandard Electronic/Equipment Module
SEMSociety for Experimental Methods
SEMSynchronization Element Manager (Datum)




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