

单词 sloppiness




S0480500 (slŏp′ē)adj. slop·pi·er, slop·pi·est 1. Marked by or given to a lack of neatness or order; untidy: a sloppy room; a sloppy roommate.2. Showing or in the habit of using little care or attention: sloppy use of language; a sloppy researcher.3. Informal Oversentimental; gushy: a sloppy love letter.4. Of, resembling, or covered with slop; muddy or slushy: sloppy ground.5. Watery and unappetizing: a sloppy stew.6. Spotted or splashed with liquid.
slop′pi·ly adv.slop′pi·ness n.Synonyms: sloppy, slovenly, unkempt, slipshod
These adjectives mean marked by an absence of due or proper care or attention. Sloppy evokes the idea of careless spilling, spotting, or splashing; it suggests slackness, untidiness, or diffuseness: a sloppy kitchen; sloppy dress. "I do not see how the sloppiest reasoner can evade that" (H.G. Wells).
Slovenly implies habitual negligence and a lack of system or thoroughness: a slovenly appearance; slovenly inaccuracies. Unkempt stresses dishevelment resulting from a neglectful lack of proper maintenance: "an unwashed brow, an unkempt head of hair" (Sir Walter Scott).
Slipshod suggests inattention to detail and a general absence of meticulousness: "the new owners' camp ... a slipshod and slovenly affair, tent half stretched, dishes unwashed" (Jack London).
Noun1.sloppiness - the wetness of ground that is covered or soaked with water; "the baseball game was canceled because of the wateriness of the outfield"; "the water's muddiness made it undrinkable"; "the sloppiness of a rainy November day"muddiness, waterinesswetness - the condition of containing or being covered by a liquid (especially water); "he confirmed the wetness of the swimming trunks"
2.sloppiness - a lack of order and tidinesssloppiness - a lack of order and tidiness; not cared forslovenliness, unkemptnessuntidiness - the condition of being untidyshagginess - unkemptness of hair
3.sloppiness - the quality of not being careful or taking painscarelessnessinattentiveness - the trait of not being considerate and thoughtful of othersincaution, incautiousness - the trait of forgetting or ignoring possible dangerneglectfulness, negligence, neglect - the trait of neglecting responsibilities and lacking concernunconscientiousness - the trait of not being painstaking or careful
4.sloppiness - falsely emotional in a maudlin waysentimentality, soupiness, drippiness, mawkishness, mushinessemotionalism, emotionality - emotional nature or qualitycorn - something sentimental or trite; "that movie was pure corn"schmaltz, schmalz, shmaltz - (Yiddish) excessive sentimentality in art or musicsentimentalism - a predilection for sentimentality


noun1. The state of being messy or unkempt:disorderliness, messiness, slovenliness, untidiness.2. Informal. The quality or condition of being affectedly or overly emotional:bathos, maudlinism, mawkishness, sentimentalism, sentimentality.Informal: mush, mushiness, schmaltz, schmaltziness.Slang: sappiness.


(slop) past tense, past participle slopped verb to (cause liquid to) splash, spill, or move around violently in a container. The water was slopping about in the bucket. 溢出 溢出ˈsloppy adjective1. semi-liquid; tending to slop. sloppy food. 流質(食品) 流质(食品) 2. careless and untidy; messy. His work is sloppy. 粗心的 粗心的3. very sentimental. That film is rather sloppy. 過於傷感的 过于伤感的ˈsloppily adverb 過於傷感地,草率地 过于伤感地,草率地 ˈsloppiness noun 粗心 粗心




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