Harry A. Merlo State Recreation Area

Harry A. Merlo State Recreation Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / California
Location:32 miles north of Eureka on US 101.
Activities:Fishing (small boats allowed), windsurfing.
Special Features:Harry A. Merlo SRA and the adjacent Humboldt Lagoons State Park (seeseparate entry) include three lagoons that can overflow into the oceanduring heavy storms, carving a deep channel that can drop their waterlevels by as much as 6 feet an hour. Later, the surf and tide reformthe beach.
Address:c/o North Coast Redwoods District Office
PO Box 2006
Eureka, CA 95502

Web: www.parks.ca.gov/default.asp?page_id=431
Size: 955 acres.

See other parks in California.