Vienna Alliance Treaty of 1697

Vienna Alliance Treaty of 1697


a treaty between Russia, Austria, and Venice establishing an offensive alliance against Turkey. It was signed on January 29 (February 8) for a term of three years. The conditions of the Vienna Alliance Treaty obligated the allies to coordinate their military actions on land and on sea, to extend mutual military assistance, and not to conclude a separate peace. However, in 1698, Austria, and later Venice, in preparation for a war against France over the Spanish succession, concluded a peace with Turkey. Russia, abandoned by the allies, conluded a truce with Turkey, which was confirmed in 1699 by the Peace of Karlovci.


Krylova, T. K. “Rossiia i Venetsiia na rubezhe XVII i XVIII vv.” Uch. zap. Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogoin-ta im. Gertsena, 1939, vol. 19.