释义 |
hemianosmia hemianosmia [hem″e-an-oz´me-ah] absence of the sense of smell in one nostril.hem·i·an·os·mi·a (hem'ē-an-oz'mē-ă), Loss of the sense of smell on one side. [hemi- + G. an- priv. + osmē, smell] hem·i·an·os·mi·a (hem'ē-an-oz'mē-ă) Loss of the sense of smell on one side. [hemi- + G. an- priv. + osmē, smell]hemianosmia (hĕm″ē-ăn-ŏs′mē-ă) [Gr. hemi-, half, + an-, not, + osme, smell] Loss of sense of smell in one nostril. |