


a balneotherapeutic and pelotherapeutic health resort 70 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii. Summers are moderately cool, with an average July temperature of 11°C. Winters are cold, with an average January temperature from —13° to — 17°C. Total precipitation reaches 1,120 mm per year. There are numerous outlets of thermal mineral waters, owing to volcanic activity. Especially prevalent are sodium-sulfate waters, which are found in the Upper Paratunka, Lower Paratunka, and Middle Paratunka springs. Treatment makes use of water from thermal siliceous alkaline springs; this water has the chemical composition

and is used for baths and in swimming pools. Treatment also utilizes mud from Lake Utinoe. The blue-green algae of the Lower Paratunka springs are used for applications and compresses to treat dermatoses. There is a sanatorium for treatment of persons with diseases of the bones, joints, muscles, and the nervous system and gynecological and skin diseases.