

单词 parallel



P0059700 (păr′ə-lĕl′)adj.1. Being an equal distance apart everywhere: dancers in two parallel rows. See Usage Note at absolute.2. Mathematics a. Of, relating to, or designating two or more straight coplanar lines that do not intersect.b. Of, relating to, or designating two or more planes that do not intersect.c. Of, relating to, or designating a line and a plane that do not intersect.d. Of, relating to, or designating curves or surfaces everywhere equidistant.3. a. Having comparable parts, analogous aspects, or readily recognized similarities: the parallel lives of two contemporaries.b. Having the same tendency or direction: parallel motives and aims.4. Grammar Having identical or equivalent syntactic constructions in corresponding clauses or phrases.5. Music a. Moving in the same direction at a fixed interval: parallel motion; parallel fifths.b. Having the same tonic. Used of scales and keys: C minor is the parallel minor scale of C major.6. Electronics Denoting a circuit or part of a circuit connected in parallel.7. Computers a. Of or relating to the simultaneous transmission of all the bits of a byte over separate wires: a parallel port; a parallel interface.b. Of or relating to the simultaneous performance of multiple operations: parallel processing.adv. In a parallel relationship or manner: a road and a railway that run parallel.n.1. Mathematics One of a set of parallel geometric figures, such as lines or planes.2. a. One that closely resembles or is analogous to another: a unique event, without parallel in history.b. A comparison indicating likeness; an analogy.3. The condition of being parallel; near similarity or exact agreement in particulars; parallelism.4. Any of the imaginary lines representing degrees of latitude that encircle the earth parallel to the plane of the equator.5. Printing A sign indicating material referred to in a note or reference.6. Electronics An arrangement of components in a circuit that splits the current into two or more paths. Used chiefly in the phrase in parallel.tr.v. par·al·leled, par·al·lel·ing, par·al·lels also par·al·lelled or par·al·lel·ling 1. To make or place parallel to something else: paralleled the ditch to the highway.2. To be or extend parallel to: a trail that parallels the crater rim.3. To be similar or analogous to: claimed that fetal development parallels the evolution of the species.4. To be or provide an equal for; match.5. To show to be analogous; compare or liken: critics who have paralleled the novel's plot to an ancient myth.
[Latin parallēlus, from Greek parallēlos : para-, beside; see para-1 + allēlōn, of one another (from allos, other; see al- in Indo-European roots).]


(ˈpærəˌlɛl) adj1. (Mathematics) separated by an equal distance at every point; never touching or intersecting: parallel walls. 2. corresponding; similar: parallel situations. 3. (Music, other) music a. Also: consecutive (of two or more parts or melodies) moving in similar motion but keeping the same interval apart throughout: parallel fifths. b. denoting successive chords in which the individual notes move in parallel motion4. (Grammar) grammar denoting syntactic constructions in which the constituents of one construction correspond to those of the other5. (Computer Science) computing operating on several items of information, instructions, etc, simultaneously. Compare serial6n6. (Mathematics) maths one of a set of parallel lines, planes, etc7. an exact likeness8. a comparison9. (Physical Geography) Also called: parallel of latitude any of the imaginary lines around the earth parallel to the equator, designated by degrees of latitude ranging from 0° at the equator to 90° at the poles10. (Electronics) a. a configuration of two or more electrical components connected between two points in a circuit so that the same voltage is applied to each (esp in the phrase in parallel)b. (as modifier): a parallel circuit. See series611. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing the character (∥) used as a reference mark12. (Fortifications) a trench or line lying in advance of and parallel to other defensive positionsvb (tr) , -lels, -leling or -leled13. to make parallel14. to supply a parallel to15. to be a parallel to or correspond with: your experience parallels mine. [C16: via French and Latin from Greek parallēlos alongside one another, from para-1 + allēlos one another]


(ˈpær əˌlɛl, -ləl)

adj., n., v. -leled, -lel•ing (esp. Brit.) -lelled, -lel•ling, adj. 1. extending in the same direction, equidistant at all points, and never converging or diverging: parallel rows of chairs. 2. having the same direction, nature, tendency, or course; corresponding; similar: parallel interests. 3. a. (of straight lines) lying in the same plane but never meeting no matter how far extended. b. (of planes) having common perpendiculars. c. (of a single line, plane, etc.) equidistant from another or others (usu. fol. by to or with). 4. having parts that are parallel. 5. having electrical components connected in parallel: a parallel circuit. 6. a. progressing at the same intervalic distance: parallel lines in music. b. sharing the same tonic: A major and A minor are parallel keys. 7. a. of or pertaining to operations within a computer that are performed simultaneously: parallel processing. b. pertaining to or supporting the transfer of electronic data several bits at a time (disting. from serial). n. 8. a parallel line or plane. 9. anything parallel or comparable in direction, course, nature, or tendency, to something else. 10. any of the imaginary lines bearing E and W on the earth's surface, parallel to the equator, that mark the latitude. 11. something identical or similar in essential respects: a case without a parallel. 12. correspondence or analogy. 13. a comparison of things as if regarded side by side. 14. an arrangement of an electrical circuit whereby all positive terminals are connected to one point and all negative ones to another. 15. a pair of vertical parallel lines (∥) used in printing as a reference mark. v.t. 16. to provide a parallel for; match. 17. to be in a parallel course to: The road parallels the river. 18. to form a parallel to; equal. 19. to show the similarity of; compare. 20. to make parallel. adv. 21. in a parallel course or manner. [1540–50; < Latin parallēlus < Greek parállēlos side by side =par- par- + állēlos one another] par′al•lel`ly, adv.


(păr′ə-lĕl′)Adjective Relating to lines or surfaces that are separated everywhere from each other by the same distance.Noun Any of the imaginary lines encircling the Earth's surface parallel to the plane of the equator, used to represent degrees of latitude. See more at equator.


Past participle: paralleled
Gerund: paralleling
I parallel
you parallel
he/she/it parallels
we parallel
you parallel
they parallel
I paralleled
you paralleled
he/she/it paralleled
we paralleled
you paralleled
they paralleled
Present Continuous
I am paralleling
you are paralleling
he/she/it is paralleling
we are paralleling
you are paralleling
they are paralleling
Present Perfect
I have paralleled
you have paralleled
he/she/it has paralleled
we have paralleled
you have paralleled
they have paralleled
Past Continuous
I was paralleling
you were paralleling
he/she/it was paralleling
we were paralleling
you were paralleling
they were paralleling
Past Perfect
I had paralleled
you had paralleled
he/she/it had paralleled
we had paralleled
you had paralleled
they had paralleled
I will parallel
you will parallel
he/she/it will parallel
we will parallel
you will parallel
they will parallel
Future Perfect
I will have paralleled
you will have paralleled
he/she/it will have paralleled
we will have paralleled
you will have paralleled
they will have paralleled
Future Continuous
I will be paralleling
you will be paralleling
he/she/it will be paralleling
we will be paralleling
you will be paralleling
they will be paralleling
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been paralleling
you have been paralleling
he/she/it has been paralleling
we have been paralleling
you have been paralleling
they have been paralleling
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been paralleling
you will have been paralleling
he/she/it will have been paralleling
we will have been paralleling
you will have been paralleling
they will have been paralleling
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been paralleling
you had been paralleling
he/she/it had been paralleling
we had been paralleling
you had been paralleling
they had been paralleling
I would parallel
you would parallel
he/she/it would parallel
we would parallel
you would parallel
they would parallel
Past Conditional
I would have paralleled
you would have paralleled
he/she/it would have paralleled
we would have paralleled
you would have paralleled
they would have paralleled


Any of the imaginary lines of latitude that circle the Earth parallel to the equator.
Noun1.parallel - something having the property of being analogous to something elseparallel - something having the property of being analogous to something elseanalog, analoguesimilarity - the quality of being similarecho - a close parallel of a feeling, idea, style, etc.; "his contention contains more than an echo of Rousseau"; "Napoleon III was an echo of the mighty Emperor but an infinitely better man"
2.parallel - an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equatorline of latitude, parallel of latitude, latitudepolar circle - a line of latitude at the north or south poleshorse latitude - either of two belts or regions near 30 degrees north or 30 degrees south; characterized by calms and light-baffling windsline - a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extenttropic - either of two parallels of latitude about 23.5 degrees to the north and south of the equator representing the points farthest north and south at which the sun can shine directly overhead and constituting the boundaries of the Torrid Zone or tropics
3.parallel - (mathematics) one of a set of parallel geometric figures (parallel lines or planes); "parallels never meet"math, mathematics, maths - a science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangementfigure - a combination of points and lines and planes that form a visible palpable shape
Verb1.parallel - be parallel to; "Their roles are paralleled by ours"correspond, gibe, jibe, match, tally, agree, fit, check - be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics; "The two stories don't agree in many details"; "The handwriting checks with the signature on the check"; "The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun"
2.parallel - make or place parallel to something; "They paralleled the ditch to the highway"collimatealter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"
3.parallel - duplicate or match; "The polished surface twinned his face and chest in reverse"twin, duplicatecorrespond, gibe, jibe, match, tally, agree, fit, check - be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics; "The two stories don't agree in many details"; "The handwriting checks with the signature on the check"; "The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun"
Adj.1.parallel - being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting; "parallel lines never converge"; "concentric circles are parallel"; "dancers in two parallel rows"comparable - able to be compared or worthy of comparisonsymmetric, symmetrical - having similarity in size, shape, and relative position of corresponding partsoblique - slanting or inclined in direction or course or position--neither parallel nor perpendicular nor right-angled; "the oblique rays of the winter sun"; "acute and obtuse angles are oblique angles"; "the axis of an oblique cone is not perpendicular to its base"perpendicular - intersecting at or forming right angles; "the axes are perpendicular to each other"
2.parallel - of or relating to the simultaneous performance of multiple operations; "parallel processing"computer science, computing - the branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structuressynchronal, synchronic, synchronous - occurring or existing at the same time or having the same period or phase; "recovery was synchronous with therapy"- Jour.A.M.A.; "a synchronous set of clocks"; "the synchronous action of a bird's wings in flight"; "synchronous oscillations"


noun1. equivalent, counterpart, match, equal, twin, complement, duplicate, analogue, likeness, corollary It is an ecological disaster with no parallel in the modern era.
equivalent opposite, reverse
2. similarity, correspondence, correlation, comparison, analogy, resemblance, likeness, parallelism Detectives realised there were parallels between the two murders.
similarity difference, divergence, dissimilarity
verb1. correspond to, compare with, agree with, complement, conform to, be alike, chime with, correlate to His remarks paralleled those of the president.
correspond to differ from, diverge from, be unlike
2. match, equal, duplicate, keep pace (with), measure up to His achievements have never been paralleled.
adjective1. matching, correspondent, corresponding, like, similar, uniform, resembling, complementary, akin, analogous He describes the rise in tuberculosis as an epidemic parallel to that of AIDS.
matching different, unlike, dissimilar
2. equidistant, alongside, aligned, side by side, coextensive seventy-two ships, drawn up in two parallel lines
equidistant divergent, non-parallel


adjective1. Lying in the same plane and not intersecting:collateral.Idiom: side by side.2. Possessing the same or almost the same characteristics:alike, analogous, comparable, corresponding, equivalent, like, similar, uniform.nounSomething closely resembling or analogous to something else:analogue, congener, correlate, correlative, correspondent, counterpart, match.verb1. To be equal or alike:compare, correspond, equal, match, measure up, touch.Informal: stack up.2. To represent as similar:analogize, assimilate, compare, equate, identify, liken, match.


(ˈpӕrəlel) adjective1. (of straight lines) going in the same direction and always staying the same distance apart. The road is parallel to/with the river. 平行的 平行的2. alike (in some way). There are parallel passages in the two books. 相同的,類似的 相同的,类似的 adverb in the same direction but always about the same distance away. We sailed parallel to the coast for several days. 並行 并行 noun1. a line parallel to another. Draw a parallel to this line. 平行線 平行线2. a likeness or state of being alike. Is there a parallel between the British Empire and the Roman Empire? 類似 类似3. a line drawn from east to west across a map etc at a fixed distance from the equator. The border between Canada and the United States follows the forty-ninth parallel. 緯線 纬线 verb to be equal to. His stupidity can't be paralleled. 與...平行 与...平行



IdiomsSeein parallel



1. separated by an equal distance at every point; never touching or intersecting 2. Musica. (of two or more parts or melodies) moving in similar motion but keeping the same interval apart throughout b. denoting successive chords in which the individual notes move in parallel motion 3. Computing operating on several items of information, instructions, etc., simultaneously 4. Maths one of a set of parallel lines, planes, etc. 5. any of the imaginary lines around the earth parallel to the equator, designated by degrees of latitude ranging from 0° at the equator to 90° at the poles 6. a. a configuration of two or more electrical components connected between two points in a circuit so that the same voltage is applied to each (esp in the phrase in parallel) b. (as modifier): a parallel circuit


Always the same distance apart; thus two parallel lines never meet.


(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

The orbits of most of the planets in the solar system lie in approximately the same geometric plane, which is why an astrological chart using only a two-dimensional representation rather than one with three dimensions is drawn. There is, nevertheless, a variation in the tilt or angle of these orbits, so at any given time most of the planets are either north or south of the celestial equator (the plane described by projecting Earth’s equator against the background of the stars). This variation is measured in degrees of declination. Two planets are parallel when they are on the same side of the celestial equator and have the same degree of declination. Planets with the same declination are said to have a relationship similar to a conjunction.


[′par·ə‚lel] (computer science) Simultaneous transmission of, storage of, or logical operations on the parts of a word, character, or other subdivision of a word in a computer, using separate facilities for the various parts. (electricity) Connected to the same pair of terminals. Also known as multiple; shunt. (geodesy) A circle on the surface of the earth, parallel to the plane of the equator and connecting all points of equal latitude. Also known as circle of longitude; parallel of latitude. (mathematics) Lines are parallel in a Euclidean space if they lie in a common plane and do not intersect. Planes are parallel in a Euclidean three-dimensional space if they do not intersect. A circle parallel to the primary great circle of a sphere or spheroid. A curve is parallel to a given curve C if it consists of points that are a fixed distance from C along lines perpendicular to C. (physics) Of two or more displacements or other vectors, having the same direction.


The line joining all points that are at the same latitude (i.e., parallel to the equator). See latitude. See also parallel of latitude.


Related to parallel: Parallel computing, Parallel universe, parallel software
  • all
  • noun
  • verb
  • adj

Synonyms for parallel

noun equivalent


  • equivalent
  • counterpart
  • match
  • equal
  • twin
  • complement
  • duplicate
  • analogue
  • likeness
  • corollary


  • opposite
  • reverse

noun similarity


  • similarity
  • correspondence
  • correlation
  • comparison
  • analogy
  • resemblance
  • likeness
  • parallelism


  • difference
  • divergence
  • dissimilarity

verb correspond to


  • correspond to
  • compare with
  • agree with
  • complement
  • conform to
  • be alike
  • chime with
  • correlate to


  • differ from
  • diverge from
  • be unlike

verb match


  • match
  • equal
  • duplicate
  • keep pace (with)
  • measure up to

adj matching


  • matching
  • correspondent
  • corresponding
  • like
  • similar
  • uniform
  • resembling
  • complementary
  • akin
  • analogous


  • different
  • unlike
  • dissimilar

adj equidistant


  • equidistant
  • alongside
  • aligned
  • side by side
  • coextensive


  • divergent
  • non-parallel

Synonyms for parallel

adj lying in the same plane and not intersecting


  • collateral

adj possessing the same or almost the same characteristics


  • alike
  • analogous
  • comparable
  • corresponding
  • equivalent
  • like
  • similar
  • uniform

noun something closely resembling or analogous to something else


  • analogue
  • congener
  • correlate
  • correlative
  • correspondent
  • counterpart
  • match

verb to be equal or alike


  • compare
  • correspond
  • equal
  • match
  • measure up
  • touch
  • stack up

verb to represent as similar


  • analogize
  • assimilate
  • compare
  • equate
  • identify
  • liken
  • match

Synonyms for parallel

noun something having the property of being analogous to something else


  • analog
  • analogue

Related Words

  • similarity
  • echo

noun an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator


  • line of latitude
  • parallel of latitude
  • latitude

Related Words

  • polar circle
  • horse latitude
  • line
  • tropic

noun (mathematics) one of a set of parallel geometric figures (parallel lines or planes)

Related Words

  • math
  • mathematics
  • maths
  • figure

verb be parallel to

Related Words

  • correspond
  • gibe
  • jibe
  • match
  • tally
  • agree
  • fit
  • check

verb make or place parallel to something


  • collimate

Related Words

  • alter
  • change
  • modify

verb duplicate or match


  • twin
  • duplicate

Related Words

  • correspond
  • gibe
  • jibe
  • match
  • tally
  • agree
  • fit
  • check

adj being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting

Related Words

  • comparable
  • symmetric
  • symmetrical


  • oblique
  • perpendicular

adj of or relating to the simultaneous performance of multiple operations

Related Words

  • computer science
  • computing
  • synchronal
  • synchronic
  • synchronous




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