mixed glioma

mixed gli·o·ma

a glioma composed of two or more malignant elements, most frequently astrocytoma and oligodendroglioma.

mixed glioma

A term that has been applied to various brain tumours, such as:
(1) Astroependymoma—a tumour of uncertain parentage, possibly equivalent to common intracranial ependymoma; it is not a recognised pathological entity;
(2) A glioblastoma with marked spindle cell component, which is regarded as a clinical and pathological variant of high-grade astrocytoma;
(3) Oligoastrocytoma, see there.

mixed glioma

A glioma composed of several different types of cells, including for example astrocytes, ependymal cells, and/or oligodendrocytesSee also: glioma